Improvement of the Physical Education teacher of the higher level for the prevention of porter drugs


  • Denis Rafael García Quintero Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas.
  • Suanly León González Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas.
  • Mayda Gutiérrez Pairol Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas.
  • Isabel Julia Veitía Arrieta Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas.



improvement, prevention, porter drugs, game, Physical Education


In this work the main ideas of the authors on the permanent improvement of the Physical Education teacher of Higher Education in the prevention of porter drugs through the game were synthesized. It was based on a diagnosis of the knowledge of the subject that confirmed insufficiencies of the overcoming process, the limited, empirical and unsystematic treatment of the subject was verified, in the bibliography and consulted investigations. Its objective was: to propose a model of permanent improvement for the Physical Education teacher of Higher Education for the prevention of porter drugs through the game. Postgraduate education was assumed from the perspective of permanent training, various theoretical, empirical and statistical methods and/or mathematical processing were applied. The development of the stages corresponding to the diagnosis, implementation and evaluation of the model through various forms of proposed overcoming are shown as a way of solving the indicated problem, considering the participation of teachers to identify the potentialities of the application of the model in the specific conditions of the specialty under study. The model, according to the experts, is evaluated as relevant.



How to Cite

García Quintero, D. R., León González, S., Gutiérrez Pairol, M., & Veitía Arrieta, I. J. (2023). Improvement of the Physical Education teacher of the higher level for the prevention of porter drugs. Science and Physical Activity, 10(1), 18–32.



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