For Reviewers

Manuscripts sent to this journal are considered confidential and will undergo a double-blind peer review process by members of our Editorial Board or by other external reviewers. National and foreign professionals, specialists in the topics of the journal are selected as reviewers. This takes into account their professional competence and experience. In addition, we accept suggestions from the authors of potential reviewers of your manuscript. In case of divided evaluation, the evaluation of a third referee will be requested, seeking a consensus in the editorial decision, the final decision is made by the editor-in-chief. 

The Associated Editors thanks the reviewers for their time and dedication to assess the scientific novelty, validity of the hypotheses raised, as well as the results and potential impact for the science of the manuscripts sent to this journal. All recommendations and suggestions on formal or technical aspects of the work are welcome. Your comments will be sent to the authors while remaining anonymous.

Upon receipt of a manuscript we ask the reviewers to report any conflicts of interest that prevent them from being reviewed or if they do not have time to evaluate them within 30 days. The result of the review should be sent using the OJS system or the journal's email address ( together with your comments. The results are reported using the article evaluation sheet that you can download below:

 Evaluation letter (.doc)

Furthermore, keep in mind that the work of the reviewer of manuscripts is essential for the correct operation of the journal. Please follow the instructions below when making your revisions:

  1. Make it in time. When we are authors we all like to have the revisions done within the established period.
  2. Consider both the formal aspects of scientific validity and the aspects of content and form. It is essential that the manuscripts are updated in their theoretical contextualization and represent a relevant contribution to the science.
  3. Argue your criticisms by supporting them in up-to-date references on the subject and refrain from evaluating authors focusing solely on evaluating their work.

The main objective of a manuscript review is to give the authors indications to improve their work while suggest to the editors whether the manuscript is prepared or not to be published in Science and Physical Activity.