Physical-recreational activities for the integral training of student-athletes of sports schools


  • Olga Lidia García Velazco Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Escolar “Héctor Ruiz Pérez” de Villa Clara
  • Ángela González Padrón Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Faculty of Physical Culture


educational recreational physical activities, students-atletes


Recreation in the context of a Sports Education school, should be aimed at the integral formation of the student-athlete, whose premises are their tastes and preferences, as well as the mastery of the sports training processes, which are characterized by demanding physical work. However, there is little participation of the students-athletes of the primary education of the EIDE Héctor Ruiz Pérez in recreational physical activities due to the poor offer that is made of these and their little educational influence, so it is part of the scientific problem how to contribute to the improvement of the educational physical-recreational offers aimed to the participation of students-athletes of the Primary Education from the Provincial EIDE "Héctor Ruiz Pérez" of Villa Clara ?, the objective was to design a program of educational physical-recreational activities aimed to the participation of the students- athletes from the Primary Education of the EIDE. Methods of the theoretical and empirical level were used. The students-athletes evaluated the designed program as good and they consider it necessary to feel better in this school, they showed joy, they showed high participation, they consider that the activities carried out are of their preference, they feel interested in participating again and they show great satisfaction for receiving this kind of attention where they learn and have fun at the same time.


2023-02-08 — Updated on 2023-02-14


How to Cite

García Velazco, O. L., & González Padrón, Ángela. (2023). Physical-recreational activities for the integral training of student-athletes of sports schools. Science and Physical Activity, 6(2), 47–59. Retrieved from (Original work published February 8, 2023)



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