The Sport Detraining at Early Ages of High Performance, Current Reflections


  • Yudaymis Rodríguez Sosa nstituto Nacional de Deportes. Sectorial Municipal Santa Clara.
  • Rayner Toledo Rios Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Faculty of Physical Culture


sports de-training, early ages, high performance


In this work, as a result of inquiries into the practice of sports and the study of existing literature, the objective is to characterize the sports training of high performance young athletes towards sports de-training, a theme that is little addressed at present. Through methods such as the synthetic analytical, the inductive deductive and systemic approach, the structure of sports preparation in these ages is analyzed from the study of theoretical aspects, contributed by Cuban and foreign authors of which the fundamental concepts were highlighted and they were enriched in light of the psychoeducational approach to the topic. The educational pedagogical context for the sport detraining was analyzed, actions are proposed for the preparation towards the sport detraining in the EIDE (Escuela Integral Deportiva Escolar). Both the theoretical analysis and the proposed actions are premises for the preparation of athletes at early ages of high performance towards their sport detraining.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Sosa, Y., & Toledo Rios, R. (2023). The Sport Detraining at Early Ages of High Performance, Current Reflections. Science and Physical Activity, 4(2), 88–98. Retrieved from



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