The Evaluation of Motor Skills in Schools with Mental Retardation


  • Reinier Martínez Cordero Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Faculty of Physical Culture
  • Irma Muñoz Aguilar Universidad de Camagüey “Ignacio Agramonte”. Facultad de Cultura Física.


evaluation, motor skills, mental metardation


In our country, Special Physical Education is aimed at developing skills and motor skills in children with special educational needs based on curricular adaptations. A set of indicators is presented to evaluate the development of Motor Skills in students with mental retardation of the special schools "Rolando Pérez Quintosa" and "Pablo de la Torriente Brau", of the municipality of Santa Clara, with the purpose of improving the intervention of the Physical Education teacher from more objective perspectives of the needs in the school environment presented by these students. In the study, a verification of the motor and socio-family needs is made, which guarantee to evaluate in a more integral way, considering different dimensions of the development of the students. Among the methods used are: the case study, the group dynamics, the interview, the analysis of documents and in the techniques we can appreciate: tests to assess motor skills in conjunction with psychomotricity and self-validation of school children. The results corroborate the feasibility of the study and its ability to assess basic motor skills in school children with mental retardation.



How to Cite

Martínez Cordero, R., & Muñoz Aguilar, I. (2023). The Evaluation of Motor Skills in Schools with Mental Retardation. Science and Physical Activity, 4(2), 59–73. Retrieved from



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