Cineantropometric Characteristics of Villa Clara Baseball Pitchers Related to their Specific Functional Capacities


  • Jesús Guzmán Piñeiro Centro Provincial de Medicina del Deporte de Villa Clara. Cuba
  • Alejandro Juan Pereiro Aneiros Centro Provincial de Medicina del Deporte de Villa Clara. Cuba


Baseball, pitchers, cineantropometric


The following research has the objective to determine the cineantropometric characteristics of current baseball pitchers in Villa Clara and the specific functional capacities for the performance of this position and to compare the behaviour of these units of analysis among the elite pitchers of the province with the rest analyzed. A descriptive transversal study has been carry out to all the pitchers of the Villa Clara baseball team that participated in the 56th National Series and to the rest of Cuban local teams under 18 and under 23 categories in 2017. The cineantropometric units of analysis chosen are height, active substance rate, length of arms, the relative biacromial diameter and the length of the hand. On the other hand, to value the functional capacity, the speed of the fast ball pitch is determined. The anthropometric method is used and some other unit of analysis like the chronological age and the Earned Runs Averaged are discussed. Therefore, the results show the predominance of right height pitchers, lack of muscular development, wide shoulders and medium or large length of arms that brings about standard or fast speed in fast ball pitches. Thus, all categories have pitchers with physical aptitudes similar to the elite of the province.



How to Cite

Guzmán Piñeiro, J., & Pereiro Aneiros, A. J. (2023). Cineantropometric Characteristics of Villa Clara Baseball Pitchers Related to their Specific Functional Capacities. Science and Physical Activity, 4(2), 30–42. Retrieved from



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