Exercises to improve the effectiveness in the defense throughout operational thinking of boxers in Villa Clara´s boxers


  • José de Jesús Rodríguez López Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Faculty of Physical Culture
  • Odalys Ruano Anoceto Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Faculty of Physical Culture
  • Alberto Valero Meneses Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Faculty of Physical Culture


defense, effectiveness, boxing


It has been proved that in Villa Clara´s boxing system, there is a lack in defensive actions, which constitutes one determinant factor in low performances at our national level. The importance of this work lies in the diagnosis of insufficiencies in the effectiveness of defense actions, due to technical difficulties in execution of the defense, and the possible influence of operational thinking, in Villa Clara´s boxers and, also defense effectiveness is diagnosed and analyzing deeply in the influence of different components of operational thinking, in Villa Clara´s boxers. The objective is to make a proposal of exercises in order to increase the effectiveness of the defense actions in Villa Clara s boxers through technical execution and the development of the components of operational thinking. Several methods and techniques from scientific research are used, among them: Analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive, documents analysis, observation, 3 or 5 Test, user’s criteria, survey, triangulation, and those belonging to the mathematical-statistical level: The empirical distribution of frequencies. The diagnose updating permitted to prove the discrete improvement of boxers in technical execution, and gave the hints to select new exercises to develop operative thinking. This research favors the solution of some other lacks in this sport, and it helps to satisfy a technological demand from our Provincial Boxing Commission.



How to Cite

Rodríguez López, J. de J., Ruano Anoceto, O., & Valero Meneses, A. (2023). Exercises to improve the effectiveness in the defense throughout operational thinking of boxers in Villa Clara´s boxers. Science and Physical Activity, 4(1), 87–98. Retrieved from https://revistaciaf.uclv.edu.cu/index.php/revista/article/view/54



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