Physical Education for the formation of a culture of peace in the medical graduates


  • Jorge Luis Pérez Veitía Universidad de Ciencias Médicas “Serafín Ruíz De Zárate Ruíz”
  • Susana R. Arteaga González Universidad de Ciencias Médicas “Serafín Ruíz De Zárate Ruíz”


Physical Education, violence, Education for peace, health problem


The study provides an alternative for building a culture of peace in medical students through the subject Physical Education in its dual role as basic subject and university extension. It is based on the diagnosis of violence, the use of programs and their interdisciplinary links to promote the treatment of this issue as a health problem. The methodology used corresponds to the qualitative logic. Empirical, theoretical and mathematical-statistical methods were used, allowing the collection, classification and quantification of data, and the accumulation, analysis and systematization of factual material. This allowed the development of an alternative, as embodiment and practical integration of the points raised in the theoretical analysis of the study and the cumulative experience. In practical terms, it provides the tools to diagnose the presence of violence, as well as being the first attempt to incorporate the study in the curriculum.



How to Cite

Pérez Veitía, J. L., & Arteaga González, S. R. (2023). Physical Education for the formation of a culture of peace in the medical graduates. Science and Physical Activity, 3(1), 128–140. Retrieved from



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