Individualized exercises in the treatment of the tactical ability to choose linked to the concept fencing time


  • Miguel Angel Rodríguez Santos Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Faculty of Physical Culture


fencing, tactical, exercises, individualization


Fencing all over the World has been many results due to the different advantage applied in the research, but we are clearly that some times has several overlapping during the last 4 years that’s why in order to increase this sport we are able to improve a tactical preparation to have a highly beneficial impact in fencing sport. Due to the ALMETACTIC we have seen that trainers are having conscience and acknowledgment about the kind of preparation they may use but, some overlap brake their future plans because some trainers doesn’t know what kind of exercises they may use and also how many exercises should be done taking into consideration the main individual characteristic of each fencer, Amount then we can point out the different ways to develop tactical abilities in our fencer, sometimes .there is a lack of a number of exercises to develop those abilities in our student, that’s why, by means of this research we are going to solve some tactical situation by means of biomechanical elements.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Santos, M. A. (2023). Individualized exercises in the treatment of the tactical ability to choose linked to the concept fencing time. Science and Physical Activity, 3(1), 101–119. Retrieved from



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