Psychopedagogical Program for the direction of the teaching – learning process in the current Cuban School


  • Roquelina Jakeline Cabré Hernández UCP “Félix Varela Morales”. Villa Clara. Cuba
  • Jorge Luis González Abreu Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Faculty of Physical Culture
  • Olga Lidia Pérez Fleites Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Faculty of Physical Culture


direction of the teaching, learning process, psychopedagogical program for the direction of the teaching


This research a psychopedagogical program for the direction of the teaching – learning process in the current Cuban school and answers to the scientific problem: how to contribute to the transformation of the direction of the teaching – learning process in second – graders that present difficulties in learning. The proposed objective was: to contribute to the transformation of the direction of the teaching – learning process in second graders with difficulties in their learning throngh the implementation of a psychopedagogical program that will facilitate the teachers training. From a qualitative methodology and using the action – cooperative investigation variant, definitions about the direction of the teaching - learning process and difficulties in learning are as will as a system of principles that may constitute a guide to the teachers work with students with learning difficulties. Besides that, a psychopedagogical program for the direction of the teaching - learning process in students with difficulties is also offered. The psychopedagogical program proposed is characterized by guiding the planning and execution of the teachers actions taking int consideration the possibilities of the student his/her preventive, corrective, systemic, contextualized and process character. It contains the following áreas: for the psychopedagogical training of the teacher, for the diagnosis of the students with learning difficulties and for the direction of the teaching – learning process in students with learning difficulties.



How to Cite

Cabré Hernández, R. J., González Abreu, J. L., & Pérez Fleites, O. L. (2023). Psychopedagogical Program for the direction of the teaching – learning process in the current Cuban School. Science and Physical Activity, 3(1), 76–88. Retrieved from



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