A professionals teaching of the Physical Rehabilitation in Luanda, a social problem to solve


  • José Domingos Granja Centers of Diagnostic and Rehabilitation belonging to Luanda province


physical rehabilitation, chronic illnesses, Centers of Diagnostic professional teaching


To approach professionals teaching of the health is a social problem in Angola that constitutes a necessity that belongs together with the partner-technological demands that from their creation the professionals of the Centers have been claiming of Diagnostic and Physical Rehabilitation in this country of the African continent. The study that is presented goes directed to 30 professionals of the Centers of Diagnostic and Rehabilitation belonging to Luanda province; in which the problem is presented: How to contribute to their continuous professionals teaching , in function of the attention to people with ECNT?; that´s why we have as general objective: to design a scientific result that allows to continuous teaching in the professionals of the Centers of Diagnostic and Physical Rehabilitation in the county of Luanda/Angola. From the factice diagnostic in the population group to study the preparation lack prevails not to direct the treatment for exercises in patient payees of Chronic Illnesses Transferable that attends these centers. The proposal must include actions that solve the problem through the roads of the methodological preparation.



How to Cite

Domingos Granja, J. (2023). A professionals teaching of the Physical Rehabilitation in Luanda, a social problem to solve. Science and Physical Activity, 3(1), 64–76. Retrieved from https://revistaciaf.uclv.edu.cu/index.php/revista/article/view/33



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