Strategy for the development of the didactic competency for professors of Biological Sciences of Physical Culture


  • Iris Nereida Aguado Casas Universidad de Camagüey, Facultad de Cultura Física
  • Luis Alfonso Rangel Mayor Universidad de Camagüey, Facultad de Cultura Física.


didactic competency, professional´s formation, strategy


A study was made with the purpose of implementing an strategy for professors from the Physical Culture and Sports Faculty, that contributes to the formation and development of the didactic competency of the educational ones, in the Biological Sciences discipline, where you knows the integrative conception of the didactic competency, keeping in mind the Professional's Pattern and the Plan of Studies of the career of Physical Culture. For that purpose, were used it methods and technical of investigation that allowed to base the existent problem, as well as, to evidence the particularities of the treatment to the contents in the subjects that compose this discipline, and to process the data obtained in the moments of the investigation. The elaborated strategy, it is sustained starting from the diagnosis, where it is evidenced that although the Professional's Pattern and the Plan of Studies of the Graduate of the career of Physical Culture offers a marked importance to the domain of the biological knowledge, the treatment to the content in these, and in the programs of the different subjects of the discipline, it is made on the base of the development of abilities, and don't have more than enough the treatment to the professional competency that should be possessed.



How to Cite

Aguado Casas, I. N., & Rangel Mayor, L. A. (2023). Strategy for the development of the didactic competency for professors of Biological Sciences of Physical Culture. Science and Physical Activity, 3(1), 34–50. Retrieved from



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