Game situations in the resistance training of volleyball players


  • Ogeidi Rojas Barrayarzaz Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Faculty of Physical Culture
  • Antonio de la C. Lanza Bravo Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Faculty of Physical Culture
  • Rafael de Mato Navelo Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas. Faculty of Physical Culture


Volleyball, Resistance, integrated Training


The present work is about the potentialities of the game situations as content of the sport on the training of the resistance of the volleyball players. Usually in resistance training in sports teams, is carried out through the introduction of exercises with similar structure that the individual modalities, but some reports of land tests to junior players, they have contributed to clarify the little significance of such a systematizing in the team sports. So that it intends a dimension of the content of the Volleyball and their treatment, which possesses great relevance for the treatment of the resistance, so much in the teaching stage like in that of improvement of the players.



How to Cite

Rojas Barrayarzaz, O., Lanza Bravo, A. de la C., & de Mato Navelo, R. (2023). Game situations in the resistance training of volleyball players. Science and Physical Activity, 3(1), 1–17. Retrieved from



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