La Gimnasia Aeróbica y la condición física en estudiantes universitarios




Aerobic Gymnastics, physical condition, university students


The lifestyle of university students is characterized by a greater academic load, decreased physical
activity and a lot of stress, this coupled with inappropriate eating behaviors and excessive use of
technologies, encourages the development of sedentary habits that negatively influence the
condition. physical, putting students at risk of suffering from chronic non-communicable diseases.
The objective of this research was: to assess the effect of the implementation of an Aerobic
Gymnastics exercise system to improve the physical condition of university students. This study was
carried out at the Central University “Marta Abreu” de las Villas, with the participation of
students from the Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. Methods were used at the theoretical level,
such as analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, and system approach, and at the empirical level,
document analysis, observation, survey, and measurement. In addition, the mathematical
statistician for the analysis of all the quantitative information of the research. As a fundamental
result, an aerobic exercise system was offered that positively influenced the physical condition of
the university students being studied, facilitating their self-exercise for the development of physical
capabilities, improving their physical and intellectual condition to better face challenges. of
everyday life



How to Cite

Ajuria Campos, R., Rodríguez Milián, A., & Vera Guerra, Y. (2024). La Gimnasia Aeróbica y la condición física en estudiantes universitarios. Science and Physical Activity, 11(1), 12–25.



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