Talent selection system in for Taekwondo


  • Columbié Rivera Laritza Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte “Manuel Fajardo” de La Habana. Cuba
  • Quintana Díaz Alfredo Centro de Investigación del Deporte Cubano. Cuba
  • del Canto Colls Calixto Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas “Enrique José Varona”. Cuba




system, talent selection, Taekwondo, initial specialization


The selection of talents in Taekwondo that is applied in Cuba lacks an organizational structure that takes into consideration the concept of the system and its components. In this research, an analysis of the functionality of its components in the sport was carried out. The objective was set: to propose a talent selection system for Taekwondo. Empirical scientific methods were applied: documentary study; survey and consultation with experts; Among the theoretical methods are: inductive-deductive, analysis-synthesis, modeling and system approach. As a source of information, a sample of 20 specialists and 10 experts in sports training was formed, with the intention of investigating the particularities of the selection system applied in the sport of Taekwondo. The results collected showed a lack of methodological and conceptual protocols in the selection process of taekwondo talents. The proposed system was characterized by its dynamic and flexible nature for application, and the experts considered its theoretical relevance favorable.



How to Cite

Laritza , C. R., Alfredo , Q. D., & Calixto , del C. C. (2023). Talent selection system in for Taekwondo. Science and Physical Activity, 10(1), 86–99. https://doi.org/10.5281zenodo.10160366



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