Team work in Cuban national teams of Water Polo


  • Talia Virgen Negret Veranes Instituto de Medicina Deportiva
  • Rafael Millán Caballero Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte.
  • Marta Cañizares Hernández Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte



variables, teamwork, correlations, psychological analysis


The work presented summarizes a descriptive-correlational research that aimed to analyze the functioning of teamwork in the Cuban women's and men's water polo teams. The selected sample was 29 athletes, 14 participants from the women's team and 15 from the men's team, with ages between 20 and 21 years in both teams, sports experience is approximately 9 years and experience in the team is 2.6 years. The applied methodology consisted of a first step, related to the adaptation of the contextualized instrument to the characteristics of the Water Polo, checking the reliability of its items using the Cronbach's Alpha statistical procedure; Subsequently, based on Kendall's Tau-b, the analysis of teamwork was carried out through the correlations of sociodemographic variables of the selected sample with the dimensions associated with the teamwork variable: communication, coordination, trust, complementarity and commitment. The results showed that, for the applied context, the sociodemographic variables did not have a significant relationship with the teamwork variables; However, the relationship established from communication with commitment, coordination, complementarity and trust did show significant positive relationships.



How to Cite

Negret Veranes, T. V., Millán Caballero, R., & Cañizares Hernández, M. (2023). Team work in Cuban national teams of Water Polo. Science and Physical Activity, 10(1), 57–72.



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