Analysis of the effectiveness of the counter initiative scheme in Table Tennis athletes



schemes, adaptation, counter initiative, effectiveness, individual


In the 2018-2019 national school table tennis competition of 2018-2019, it is observed that, despite the dominance of tactical adaptations, the application of the counter-initiative scheme in the athletes of the province of Havana is still insufficient. Hence, the authors intend to analyze the effectiveness of the counter-initiative scheme of the U-13 Table Tennis team in the province of Havana. To carry out the investigative tasks, we work with a population of three athletes. From the theoretical level methods are used, the analysis-synthesis and inductive deductive and the empirical level, the observation, documentary analysis, the interview and, finally, from the mathematical one, the empirical distribution of frequencies. The causes that give rise to the deficiencies are analyzed, taking into account the technical execution and the effectiveness of the individual tactic. As a result of the study, the insufficient use of the counter initiative to score from the initiative of the opponent with the long shots with effect up from the backhand is evidenced.


2023-02-10 — Updated on 2023-02-14


How to Cite

Martínez Hernández, M. del R., Huie Martínez, M., & Valdés, A. M. (2023). Analysis of the effectiveness of the counter initiative scheme in Table Tennis athletes. Science and Physical Activity, 8(1), 121–133. Retrieved from (Original work published February 10, 2023)



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