Characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100 hundred meters dash



speed, indicators, competitive activity


The characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100-meter sprint has multiple demands in the physiological, morphological, psychological and functional order, which are usually found in mostof the literature consulted for the 100, 200 and 400 m sprint races. in general, despite the differences between them. In addition, these demands are not found in a single literary body, which makes it difficult to understand them as they are not seen as a whole, for this reason this research aims to systematize the study on the characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100-meter race plans specifically and collect these in a single document. For this, methods of the empirical level and theoretical level are used, such as: the analytical-synthetic, the inductive-deductive, the systemic approach, the interview, the survey and open and participatory techniques, as well as user criteria. As a result of the assumed theoretical conception, it is possible to determine the demands imposed on the athlete by the competition in this test, all of which is valued as necessary and pertinent by the users of this specialty.


2023-02-10 — Updated on 2023-02-14


How to Cite

Morales Fabregas, A. M., Sanchez Oms, A. B., & Perdomo Ogando, J. M. (2023). Characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100 hundred meters dash. Science and Physical Activity, 8(1), 105–120. Retrieved from (Original work published February 10, 2023)



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