Exercises with weights for the strength of the serve in school tennis players from Villa Clara



serve, tennis, strength training, weight training


The serve technique in tennis requires a level of application of force that allows an adequate execution of the element, being the school category where the preparation of the tennis player's strength acquires great importance. In this direction, there are inadequacies in the use of exercises for the development of strength with weights in the serve. When facing this situation, the objective of the investigation is: to propose exercises with weights for the development of the strength of the serve in school tennis players from Villa Clara from the muscles involved in the technical movement of serving. Various research methods are applied, such as: interviews with coaches of this sport on the preparation of strength in this category; workshop with the coaches where the study of the technical gesture of serving is carried out; document analysis is used; the survey; triangulation by the source and the criteria of specialists. The results determine the structure of the serve movement in tennis and its phases, the joints that intervene, the main muscular planes that act in each phase and, from these results, the exercises for the preparation of strength with dumbbells. The exercises with weights that are selected for the work of the force allow to offer a more objective and variable training according to the criteria of the specialists in this sport.


2023-02-10 — Updated on 2023-02-14


How to Cite

Moya Forns, J. M., González Duarte, L. A., & Noriega Gómez, J. C. (2023). Exercises with weights for the strength of the serve in school tennis players from Villa Clara. Science and Physical Activity, 8(1), 76–88. Retrieved from https://revistaciaf.uclv.edu.cu/index.php/revista/article/view/118 (Original work published February 10, 2023)



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