Firefighter force prep for hook ladder tower assault event



Strength preparation, firefighters, assault on the tower, training schedule


The training schedule recommends the use of preparation models with a specialization in their content, volume and organization. In this direction, there are inadequacies in the preparation of the firefighters' force preparing for technical skills competitions. The investigation faces this problem,and the objective is to define the programming of the preparation of the firefighter's force for the assault on the tower with a hook ladder. A diagnosis is made through document analysis, surveys, observations and methodological workshops. Finally, it provides such programming for the preparation of strength in this discipline. The results establish: the temporal distribution of force preparation in a macrocyclic structure, the links and interrelationships of the different manifestations of force, as well as the interrelation of the load indices in the macrocycles and auxiliary exercises. Its application is exposed in the Villa Clara team that is preparing for the Firefighter's Technical Skills competitions. The programming of the defined force preparation, guarantees the increase of the competitive performance state of the firefighters during the different moments of the preparation cycles, causing the increase of the sporting results.


2023-02-10 — Updated on 2023-02-14


How to Cite

Espinosa Mena, D., González Duarte, L. A., & Lanza Bravo, A. de la C. (2023). Firefighter force prep for hook ladder tower assault event. Science and Physical Activity, 8(1), 61–75. Retrieved from (Original work published February 10, 2023)



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