Study of free time in scholars of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara

Nelson Martin Lugones1*, Manuel Dimas Nieves Pérez2, Yanet Pérez Surita3, Iliana Pérez León4

1 Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, Cuba. Orcid 0000-0002-0744-2202

2 Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Cultura Física, Cuba. Orcid 0000-0001-5519-3944

3 Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Cultura Física, Cuba. Orcid 0000-0002-3220-3000

4 Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, Cuba. Orcid 0000-0002-0009-6044

* Autor para correspondencia:


In this research, a study was made on the occupation of free time by scholars at the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, and a plan of physical-recreational activities was proposed in order to contribute to the reduction of practice of negative behaviors and addiction prevention. The starting point was the diagnosis of the situation of the students in the student residence, which included a group of aspects such as: general data on the population under study; physical-recreational offer, taking into account the needs and interests of these young people, which were obtained from the application of different investigative methods and techniques such as observation, self-registration of activities, survey and interview, which made it possible to know the magnitude of the time and in which activities they consumed it, with the aim to design a plan of physical-recreational activities that takes into account the self-registration of activities and diversity to satisfy likes and needs of the scholars of the Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences. The plan was conceived on the basis of diversity and variety, to take full advantage of available resources and facilities. As a result of its gradual implementation, the acceptance of the proposal was verified; the levels of motivation and participation of young people in the activities carried out were increased.

Keywords: self-registration of activities, Physical Recreation, free time


There are many studies and research showing the importance of physical activity, but modern man has not materialized a coherent and sustained physical activity in his way of life. However, physical recreation can be a way to develop physical-recreational motives in individuals that enrich their free time activities and displace them from their essentially passive attributes.

In this way, the university becomes a space conducive to study, education and the development of new worldviews, considering their functions and challenges to society. Recreation should represent an activity for the full development of the individual, in this case the students. Through this activity the subject is enriched, deepens his conception of the world and has the purpose of using the hours of his free time, in which he can increase his value as a human being and as a member of the community, occupying him with creative activities and motivating him to enrich himself professionally, culturally, athletically and socially.

In an approach to the theory, different concepts of recreation were found. In this regard, Pérez (2010) states that it is the set of phenomena and relationships that arise in the process of taking advantage of free time through therapeutic, prophylactic, cognitive activity, sports or artistic - cultural, without the need for an external compulsion and through which happiness, immediate satisfaction and development of personality are obtained.

For his part, Sosa Loy (2018), when defining educational physical recreation, refers to it as:

"That which as a subsystem of Recreation stimulates physical-recreational motives and from the physical-recreational protagonism of the subject, develops a pedagogical process in its activities, without reducing it to didactics, generates a physical-recreational participation, enriches the highest activities of free time, diversifies them, makes them more motor and displaces their essentially passive attributes from the model. (p. 3)

Recreation should not be seen only as a pleasant way to spend free time, but as the use of this time in a positive way at the university, in such a way that it contributes to the development of the student's personality. It is therefore linked to education, self-education, physical and mental hygiene, fun and culture in general.

The concept of Recreation has evolved and has been strengthening its own space, this is reflected through international resolutions, recreational plans, laws and initiatives in different countries, especially in Latin America. There are different terminologies such as play, leisure, free time and animation that cannot be separated from Recreation, since they complement each other to form a whole that benefits the development of the human being.

One of the main aspects that drives physical recreation is to revive a certain number of educational values such as: seeking social communication, having fun through games and sports, stimulating activity, seeking co-education and team spirit, sports solidarity, respect for colleagues, adversaries, games, among others. (Pérez, 2010)

The planning of physical recreation activities to occupy free time within the community and in this case, the medical university community, becomes a fundamental factor, since students must be kept busy as much as possible in healthy, socializing, and educational activities.

In this sense, it is worth highlighting that physical recreation, according to Sosa (2000), is conceived as the set of physical activities defined by physical-recreational motives that constitute a subsystem of recreation and is part of the physical culture of the population with an emphasis on active rest, health, the creation of motor habits, fun and creative individual development. The theoretical contributions addressed by Sosa (2018) and Pérez (2010) constitute references to guide the present study.

Currently, the problem of free time in contemporary society requires the establishment of control, security and prevention mechanisms that contribute to the adequate use of leisure time, which must be considered as a sociocultural phenomenon, based on the needs of man. It must be understood, without a doubt, that the human being deserves an escape valve, which in turn becomes a cathartic element in order to release stress. Navas, L. (2015)

In this regard, Ramos (2003) establishes, through the recreationist theory, that participation in recreational activities during free time allows to restore and renew energies used in work, thanks to recreational activity.

There are several contributions from different authors to physical activity and recreation, as well as its importance, with elements that enrich the theoretical foundations of this discipline, among which the following stand out: Holt (2016); Morales, Lorenzo and de la Rosa (2016); Schlechter, Rosenkkranz, Miliken and Dzewaltowski (2017); Guillén et al (2017); Guerrero et al (2017).

The authors of this research in their practice have found that there are inadequacies in the participation of scholarship students from the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, in physical-recreational activities, in their free time. The poor variety and quality of these activities do not encourage appropriate behavior, so the objective is to design a plan of physical-recreational activities that takes into account the self-registration of activities and diversity to satisfy the tastes and needs of the scholarship students of the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara.


A sample of 208 young people of both sexes (140 female and 68 male) was randomly selected, representing 14.29% of the population of 1,455 scholarship students from the 1st to 4th year of the Faculty of Medicine at the central headquarters of the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. The sampling method used was simple random sampling.

We also worked with 10 subjects considered as key informants, linked to the development of physical activity and recreation, including: leaders of the University Student Federation, the Directorate of Educational Work and University Extension, the Department of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation and the Directorate of the student residence.

Theoretical and empirical methods were used such as:

The inductive-deductive method: it provided the determination of the problem and the interpretation of the study of the bibliography referring to the elements to be considered in the development of physical-recreational activities. It allowed establishing the relationships between the facts analyzed, the explanations and conclusions reached in the present study.

The survey: two surveys were applied, the first aimed at determining the tastes and recreational preferences of the subjects under study, with the intention of knowing what the main recreational alternatives are for occupying free time. The second was carried out to determine the level of acceptance and satisfaction of the plan of activities carried out.

The interview applied was individual and was carried out with the people responsible for the organization and development of the different physical-recreational activities at the university at the beginning of the research, with the purpose of knowing a series of elements related to the programming, variety and frequency of the physical-recreational aspects.

The observation was carried out in a covert, field and systematic manner; with the objective of characterizing the physical-recreational activities carried out by the scholarship students of this university. It was carried out in two moments: before designing the physical-recreational activitiesrecreational and when applied. These were carried out three times a week, during the period of two months, in the afternoon and evening sessions. For a total of 24 observations made at each time.

The time budget was used with the intention of knowing how and in what way the scholarship students spent their total time. It is a document for collecting information that is based on a

verification record of the activities carried out by a group of inhabitants of the town, for a period of 24 hours (Pérez, 2010, p. 59).

The information collection instrument used is the self-registration of activities. It consists of a self-record table of all the activities carried out by a subject during a unit of time, in this case 24 hours. It is essentially a self-observation that an individual makes of the activities of his daily life. (Pérez, 2010 p.64)

It was applied in two moments, first to determine how the medical students of this university spend their free time and in a second moment, to determine the level of acceptance and satisfaction of the plan of activities carried out.

The data obtained in the research were processed mathematically and statistically, using the empirical distribution of frequency and descriptive measures.

Results and results and results and results and results and results and results and results and results and results and discussiondiscussiondiscussiondiscussion

The results of the survey carried out on the study of interests, preferences and other motivations regarding physical-recreational activities at the University were worked with and a part of the plan of said activities, of an educational nature, was applied, which led to an increase in the participation of these students, as protagonists in physical recreation activities.

This research was carried out from Monday to Friday within a period of three months, in the area of the student residence of the Central Headquarters of the Faculty of Medicine, of the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, the selection of the 208 students was carried out randomly, to whom the self-registration of activities was given, as well as a survey with the objective of Identify physical-recreational tastes and preferences during free time, to obtain the desired information.

Analysis of self-record of activities

The results obtained are based on the collection of information, where the different activities or occupations carried out throughout the day (24 hours) by each selected subject are indicated, covering a week from Monday to Friday; Saturday and Sunday were not taken into account, considering that the students were not in the residence

Table No. 1. Main activities of self-registration of activities

Activities Weekday Sex Female Male

Biophysiological activities 10:27





Housework 00:19


Teaching activities 10:53


Political activities and social commitment



Free time 01:08


Total 24 h

It should be noted that the selected students were between 18 and 23 years old, living in various municipalities of the province of Villa Clara, which forced them to make greater use of the student residence.

Biophysiological activities include personal hygiene, eating, sleeping, among others, to the hours spent on physiologically necessary sleep, which represents 42% of the 24 hours of the day, very similar in both sexes.

The Medicine degree has a large volume of teaching content, and from the third year onwards they dedicate the most time to teaching-assistance activities, with the female sex (43.86%) spending more time than the males (35.70%).

Among scholarship students who live outside the city of Santa Clara, transportation takes up their time: 6.58% for women and 4.66% for men; some, taking into account the teaching schedule and the municipality of residence, decide to travel home at any time, not necessarily on weekends.

Of all the activities of social time, domestic tasks are those that occupy the lowest index, and proportionally the greatest differences in terms of their magnitude, between one sex and the other (0.79% for the female sex and 0.25% for the male sex).

Analysis of the content of free time

The analysis of the content of free time in each of the main activities is shown in Table No. 2 Table No. 2. Activities carried out in free time

Content Magnitude

Female Male

Exercises and sports games 0.30

Connected to Wi-Fi 0.10


Domino games 0.03


Watching movies and listening to music 0.53


Electronic games 0.50

Walking and partying 0.02


Total 1.08


In the analysis of the content of daily free time, it was observed that there are differences between both sexes, based on the differences that exist in personal characteristics. Men spend more time playing dominoes, watching movies, listening to music, electronic games (phone and computer), as well as attending parties, representing 76.97% of total free time. On the other hand, women prefer to spend mainly watching movies and listening to music, which accounts for 77.94% of their free time. These activities take place on weekdays in the afternoon and evening sessions.

Other activities such as games and exercises, including indoor soccer and basketball, are low percentage activities, with 33.03% of free time for men and none for women.

These data show the consumption of passive activities by students and the urgent need to increase their participation in physical-recreational activities.

Results of the survey

When asked if physical-recreational activities were carried out in the student residence, 54.76% said that they were sometimes carried out, 35.71% said negatively and 9.52% said yes.

When asked how they would rate the development of the physical-recreational activities that were carried out, 30.95% rated them as bad, while 35.71% and 28.57% rated them as good and average, respectively, only 4.76% rated them as very good.

Regarding the preferences for physical- recreational activities, festivals are preferred by men, with 83.06% and 66.66% for women. It is worth noting that rope pulling is preferred by both sexes.

There are other recreational activities that have been organized in the student residence, such as cultural galas and the video room. However, parties with mechanical music represent the highest percentages of preference (90.74 men and

81.45 women). Observation results

As a result of the 24 observations carried out at the first moment, it was possible to verify that the scholarship students of the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, dedicate very little time to the practice of physical-recreational activities. The participation of young people in recreational festivals was very poor; in

addition, the development of the activities lacked organization and elements that motivated participation in them, using most of their free time in passive consumption activities.

In addition, a significant consumption of alcohol and tobacco was observed, which brings with it inappropriate behavior for this type of center.

Interview results

100% of the interviewees indicated that there is no plan for physical-recreational activities because it is optional, and that students can do whatever they want in their free time; however, later on they pointed out that there is advertising and dissemination of the activities that are carried out in the institution, aspects that are contradictory.

With regard to the facilities for developing physical-recreational activities, opinions were divided, some said they were average (because they were referring to the sports areas) and others said they were good because they were referring to the university's own facilities in general.

All agreed on being dissatisfied with the activities that students carry out in their free time since there is alcohol consumption, which brings with it inappropriate behavior for this type of center, such as arguments, altercations, among others.

Summarizing everything discussed, the instruments applied show that alternatives are not sought to efficiently occupy the free time of young people, one of them can be found in Recreation, an efficient way to promote the formation of values in young people.

Once the results of the diagnosis were analyzed, the Plan of physical-recreational activities could be drawn up.

The plan of physical-recreational activities is characterized by:

These activities include an educational, creative and appropriate physical- recreational offer, using the university facilities.

•To have adequate coordination and support from the actors and institutions involved in their execution and to have the minimum essential conditions to be able to carry out the activities.

Objective: To contribute to the multifaceted and harmonious development of students through physical-recreational activities and thus achieve an adequate use of free time.


•Dissemination of the plan through murals, banners, radio base and brigades, throughout the course.

•Coordination with institutions and organizations close to the university that contribute to making the activities to be developed broader and more varied.

•Adequate use of human and material resources that influence the quality of the activities.

•Control over the activity plan to establish the necessary adjustments and to know the effectiveness and fulfillment of the proposed objectives.


The existing material resources at the center, such as sports, cultural, and recreational facilities, as well as human resources so that they can efficiently use all available resources.

General plan of activities

  1. Popular and traditional games from each territory and country.

  2. Fashion shows with typical costumes from different countries.

  3. Excursions to places of historical and socio-cultural interest, including: the Che Guevara monument; the Armored Train monument, Loma del Capiro, art galleries.

Recreational marathons, recreational festivals of participation between rooms, buildings, groups, years, faculties and students from other Higher Education centers.

  1. Gymnastics exercises, such as basic gymnastics emphasizing the strengthening of muscle groups and avoiding overweight and sedentary lifestyle, aerobic gymnastics, artistic gymnastics, Chinese gymnastics.

  2. Board games (checkers, dominoes, parchís), educational games, chess.

  3. Casino wheels.

  4. Pre-sports games, mainly soccer, baseball, 11-a-side soccer, volleyball, basketball, kickball, among others.

  5. Participation in film debates.

  6. Sports clubs where they participate in exchange with glories of the territory's sport.

It is structured with the objective of creating a recreational offer that is mobilizing, accepted, educational and creative, making the most of the existing resources and the area of the student residence and the sports areas of the place,

facilitating the endogenous development of the university community, promoting the systematicity of these activities, giving great importance to the organization and healthy and formative character of the same.


With the gradual implementation of the offer of physical-recreational activities, conceived in the plan, it has been verified from the 24 observations carried out (second moment), the increase in the acceptance and participation of young people, since the activities offered had a positive approval, being the same as their tastes and preferences, achieving with the action of these, to reduce the proliferation of incorrect behaviors.

When comparing these results with those of the observation carried out at a first moment, a positive jump can be seen in general in relation to the first, with highly significant differences in the results of the elements evaluated.

The implementation of this proposal has also allowed students from other years to be included, tournaments between buildings and by sex are generalized, leading to an increase in the level of participation.

Analysis of self-registration of activities

Each of the main activities behaved in a constant manner, with the exception of free time, which showed radical and positive changes in terms of physical- recreational activities. These activities were carried out on weekdays in the afternoon and evening sessions.

Analysis of the content of free time

The analysis of the content of free time in each of the main activities is shown in Table No. 3.

Table No. 3. Activities carried out in free time

Content Magnitude

Female Male

Exercises and sports 0.45 2.19

Connected to Wi-Fi 0.04 0.05

Domino games 0.05 0.20

Watching movies and listening to music 0.10 0.20

Electronic games 0.10

Walking and partying 0.04 0.30

Total 1.08 03.04

In the analysis of the content of daily free time, it can be seen that both men and women saw a significant increase in their participation in physical-recreational activities. Men saw an increase of 109 minutes in this type of activities, constituting 75.54% of total free time.

Women saw an increase of 45 minutes, representing 66.2% of their free time.

The increase in participation in physical-recreational activities caused a reduction in the participation of students in passive consumption activities, as well as alcohol and tobacco consumption, reducing the number of altercations and contributing to the improvement of a healthy culture of free time.

Therefore, it is inferred that the results reflect the success of the physical-recreational activity plan designed in this research and the impact it had on the population under study.

Results of the satisfaction survey

Based on the completion of the activities in this period of time, a satisfaction survey was applied to the 208 subjects under study, to determine the level of acceptance and satisfaction of the plan of activities carried out.

In question # 1 related to the satisfaction or not of the physical-recreational activity plan provided, 191 responded that they were satisfied, which represents 92% of the scholarship recipients, while 17, or 8% of the same, are dissatisfied, this is due to the fact that difficulties continue at times when carrying out the activity.

In question #2 regarding the publicity and promotion of the physical-recreational activities program, 181, representing 86.8% of respondents, said they were satisfied and 29, representing 13%, said they were dissatisfied.

In question #3, which addresses the frequency with which they carry out the physical- recreational activities plan, 121, representing 57.9%, said they were satisfied with the frequency with which physical-recreational activities are carried out and 87, representing 42.1%, said they were dissatisfied.

In question #4 they mention that the most popular activities are: soccer, baseball, dominoes, parties with mechanical music at the university and recreational festivals, since it is an activity that, due to its own characteristics, includes a number of activities that take place at the same time, and the least popular were some board games such as checkers, parcheesi, museum visits and handball.

It can be said that the applied physical-recreational activities plan has created a positive expectation in them since they feel motivated, reflecting their satisfaction

Conclusions ConclusionsConclusionsConclusionsConclusionsConclusionsConclusionsConclusionsConclusions

•The diagnosis allowed to verify the insufficient participation and the displeasure of the scholarship students of the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, in physical- recreational activities.

•The physical-recreational activities plan was developed based on the potentialities and needs of the scholarship students of the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara.

•The activities developed contribute to the participation of the scholarship students of the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara in physical-recreational activities and had an excellent acceptance by the students.


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