Educational attention to primary schoolchildren included from physical education


One of the great challenges of Cuban education in current times is undoubtedly social inclusion in pedagogical practices, which enables the process of quality educational care for students with disabilities. The objective of the study focused on characterizing the educational attention to primary schoolchildren included in the Fernando Cuesta Piloto Semi-boarding School in Santa Clara, from Physical Education. Various methods and techniques of scientific research were applied to collect and process information, such as survey, interview, documentary review, scientific observation. As a population, we worked with six teachers, four officials and 17 schoolchildren from the aforementioned center. Among the main results, a process of educational attention in the center that lacks equity, equal opportunities and little participation of schoolchildren in decision-making is identified, associated with the preparation needs of Physical Education teachers. In conclusion, the quality of the educational care process at the Fernando Cuesta Piloto Semi-boarding School in Santa Clara demands a strengthening of equity, equal opportunities and participation of schoolchildren in the physical-sports activities of the school.

Keywords: educational attention, Physical Education, equity, equality and participation


Educational care for primary schoolchildren with disabilities is based on equal opportunities, built on a group of planned measures in order to address all possible expressions of differences (gender, abilities, motivational, socioeconomic, cultural, among others). to carry out in the educational institution and thus be able to achieve full participation and maximum learning in each of them.

Its quality at the institutional level defends an educational project adjusted to the needs of its students, based on equity, equal opportunities, and the active participation of everyone in the process, on respect for differences and their acceptance, and on creation of an environment of total welcome that invites them to be, to belong and to stay. In that sense Leyva and Barreda (2023) state:

There is no quality education without equity nor equity without quality, which supports the necessary equality of opportunity. However, equity and equality of opportunity are similar but not identical definitions, so it is necessary to distinguish one from the other. (p. 24)

These authors state that equity means that each person receives the resources and aid they require with fairness and impartiality, which in this case allows them to participate and learn at levels of excellence, so that education does not reproduce the inequalities of origin of the students. . It is not giving the same thing to everyone equally, it is providing everyone with what they need. On the other hand, equal opportunities in access to educational processes is an essential aspect of quality education, it is upholding the principle of social justice, that everyone receives what they deserve, in accordance with their rights. (Leyva and Barreda 2023)

Participation, within the framework of the institutional educational process, refers to the maximum participation of everyone in all activities and processes: in the curriculum, in the decision-making process that impacts the lives of students, in the functioning of the institution; and that all opinions are taken into account to decide changes in the institution. (Leyva and Barreda, 2023)

Preparation for the process of inclusion and educational attention by the Physical Education teacher is a scientific research interest of authors such as Blanco (2020) and Velásquez A., et al. (2022) who allude to the presence of shortcomings and fears on the part of the teacher in charge of physical activity and propose that:

The perspective of the cultural-historical approach allows for a new look at teacher training, for personal and social transformation and development. From this conception, emphasis is placed on raising the competence and performance of the professional in an increasingly diverse educational system. (p.6)

Referring to the above, the authors Ballesteros (2021) and Martín (2023) consider that attention and inclusion is a practice that requires active commitment, constant updating, due to the challenges of current teaching with students with different characteristics and needs. in intellectual and physical motor development, such as schoolchildren with cerebral palsy, Developmental Attention and Hyperactivity Disorders, intellectual disabilities and others.

Among the authors who provide studies on the inclusion of schoolchildren with cerebral palsy in physical activity, Abalde, et al (2019) was found in the bibliographic review; Álvarez, et al (2021); García et al. (2022); Andrew (2023); Amaya and Cárdenas (2023) and Martín (2023).

Specifically, to the inclusion and educational attention of these schoolchildren from Physical Education, Quintero, Pérez and Hernández (2021) and Labrador, Hernández and Inglés (2020) work attributing great importance and relationship to attention to quality of

life, with cohesion family, preparation for social work, individual behavior in Physical Education class; sports orientation from childhood. All these elements are perceived as tools of educational care and inclusion from physical activity, with a multidisciplinary perspective.

Regarding the preparation of the Physical Education professional for the subject matter, Labrador, Hernández and Inglés (2020) highlight the intervention of this teacher as a crucial element to influence the behavior of the student with Developmental Attention and Hyperactivity Disorder. ; Soler and Ramírez (2023) state that the differences in the level of knowledge about Developmental Attention and Hyperactivity Disorder received during training, with that shown by the active Physical Education teacher, is evident in many spaces.

In the opinion of the authors of this study, it is important in the process of educational care for schoolchildren with these disability situations to know the real situation that characterizes the main factors involved: the schoolchildren and the teacher. From this follows the preparation that the Physical Education teacher must have in any school context, especially at the primary level of education, where security experiences are strengthened, which facilitate access and permanence in the levels after moving through the educational system. general.

Objective: to characterize the educational attention to primary schoolchildren included in the Fernando Cuesta Piloto Semi-boarding School in Santa Clara, from Physical Education.

Materials and methods

The research was carried out at the Fernando Cuesta Piloto Semi-boarding School in the Santa Clara municipality, belonging to the primary educational level, during the period from September to December 2023. In this institution, as a requirement of the 3rd improvement, schoolchildren with various Special Educational Needs are progressively included. associated or not with disabilities.

Three populations were used to carry out the research:

Results and discussion

Result of the applied methods

Characterization of the populations:

The first, six PE teachers, all with a higher cultural level of teaching, of them five women and one man, with more than 10 years of experience at the primary level, who attend grades from 1st to 6th, in the Semi-boarding School. Fernando Cuesta Pilot from the municipality of Santa Clara, Villa Clara province.

A second made up of four officials, two of them from primary education and two from special education belonging to the MINED and INDER, all with university training from the municipality of Santa Clara.

A third made up of the 17 3rd grade students from the Fernando Cuesta Piloto Semi- boarding School in Santa Clara. Of which 5 have Cerebral Palsy and 12 have Developmental Attention and Hyperactivity Disorder, of which 9 are males and 8 females, whose ages range between 8 and 9 years old.


Datos de los escolares



PCE 15%

F 24%

M 26%

Figure 1. Demographic data of the schoolchildren

Analysis of the results of the research instruments applied in the diagnosis

Document review results

The consultation of the Physical Education documents at school showed the absolute categorization of exempt students with disabilities; in cases of incorporation, specific adaptations are not issued.

In the reviewed documentation it was also confirmed that although the methodological preparation of the PE teacher constitutes the fundamental link for its permanent updating, in its planning the actions and contents are still limited to guarantee the educational attention of this teacher, based on of the inclusion of schoolchildren with disabilities.

In relation to the methodological work actions that are developed in the Sports Combine to which the educational institution belongs, it was found that educational attention to these students is not projected based on the theme, nor to the improvement of the PE teacher in related contents. with the approach to this type of school, which brings with it the lack of adequate intervention and ineffective practices in their care.

Results of the analysis of the group interview with officials

A group interview was carried out with four officials, two from the primary education of the Municipal Directorate of INDER and the MINED (50%) and two from the special education of both organizations in Santa Clara (50%), with the objective of obtaining criteria on the indications for educational attention to these students, as well as the preparation offered to the PE teacher, the actions implemented based on this and the limitations that arise in this sense.










Interview officials

1 2 3 4 5 6


Figure 2. Official interview results

As a result represented in Figure 2, in question one, 100% of the methodologists claimed to know them in a general way, as those who present greater difficulties than the rest of their classmates in achieving a certain objective within the learning process. who need techniques, materials and methodological content to compensate for these learning difficulties in comparison with other minors of the same age.

The special education methodologists who represent 50% specify that the teacher's preparation is oriented towards methodological contents, not behaving in the same way in primary education where the two specialists, for 50%, specified that they are sometimes oriented. In the opinion of the authors, those in charge of guiding the way teachers act towards these students do not go into depth where actions are indicated, the way PE

teachers act to deal with this type of student without ceasing to attend to the rest of the group. class; which directly affects the quality of the educational teaching process.

In question three, the two methodologists of special education always answered and never in primary education, both directors represented by 50%, which allowed us to infer that in primary education actions that make it possible to prepare for the educational care for schoolchildren included with disabilities due to Developmental Attention and Hyperactivity Disorder and Spastic Cerebral Palsy.

In the opinion of the two special education methodologists (50%) they clarified that through different forms of improvement, such as orientations and methodological preparations, courses, workshops, postgraduate degrees, events, class competitions and self-preparation; Regarding primary education, both directors explained that these types of content are not offered to teachers. This reflects poor provision of theoretical, methodological and practical content of all types in preparation and instruction actions for these teachers to serve schoolchildren included with various disabilities, which has a negative impact on achieving conceived attention to their harmonious and comprehensive development.

In question five, 100% responded affirmatively, considering it necessary to incorporate these contents into the preparation of teachers in theoretical-methodological and practical actions, procedures and didactic resources to proceed with the inclusion of students with Developmental Disorder. Attention and Hyperactivity and Spastic Cerebral Palsy.

The two primary school methodologists clarified that the programs do not contain content regarding the treatment of these schoolchildren; In the case of special education, both directors (two) represented by 50% stated that these contents do appear in adaptations according to the student's disability. It is a reality to face, the little differentiation of the contents for this type of school, so the Educational Teaching Process of these is seriously affected by the insufficient preparation of the teacher for educational attention.

In a summarized analysis of the perception of Physical Education officials in both organizations, it is necessary that for adequate educational attention to the students being studied, it is necessary to strengthen the role of the teacher from the methodological point of view with the increase of preparation and instruction actions, guide the way of acting towards these students, with the offer of techniques, materials and methodological content that help compensate for the learning difficulties generated by the disability.

Results of the survey of schoolchildren

When processing the equity dimension in the survey of students, it turned out that indicator one, referring to: each student receives the resources and aid to participate and learn at levels of excellence, four students for 58.8%, stated affirmatively; 41.1% (7) responded sometimes. In indicator two, it is investigated whether the attention received reproduces the inequalities of origin of the students, 17.6% stated yes; 64.7% (11 schoolchildren) answered that sometimes, and the remaining three flatly denied it. As for whether everyone is provided with what they really need, 15 schoolchildren (82.2%) thought that sometimes, while 11.7% (2) did not consider it so.

In relation to participation, the 17 schoolchildren, that is, 100%, considered it important to participate in the adjustments to the PE program for them. Only 17.6% thought that they are sometimes allowed to make decisions about their participation in the Physical Education class; while 82.3% (14) did not consider it that way. And with the same percentage and criteria, the students responded to the indicator: “All opinions are taken into account to decide changes in the institution.”


Figure 3. Results of the survey of schoolchildren. Equal opportunities dimension

The results of the schoolchildren in the dimension: Equal opportunities (Figure 3) reflected that 12 of them (70.5%) sometimes consider that they are guaranteed access to the educational processes of the center, but five do not perceive it that way., 29.4% and each student receives what he deserves in accordance with his rights, eight reported that

sometimes (47%) and nine do not consider it, 52.9%. Likewise, 70.5% affirm that the principle of social justice is enforced, in classes and 29.4% sometimes.

Taking into account the perception of the schoolchildren, it follows that to strengthen the quality of the educational attention offered, it is necessary to review the possible differences and inequalities of origin that, according to themselves, still occur; the indolence towards their opinions to decide changes in Physical Education and Sports for All activities, which consequently limit their participation. The analysis of the result obtained highlights the position of Terré (2016), who states that assuming the right to difference presupposes recognizing the means for educational and social enrichment. It also assumes that formal educational processes must tend towards equality and social justice, respecting, but above all enhancing differences. (p. 12)

Results of the teacher survey

A total of six PE teachers were surveyed, of which five were female, representing 83.3%, and only one was male, representing 16.6% of the teachers. All with more than 10 years of work in primary education, five graduates for 83.3% and a master's degree representing 16.6%, from the Fernando Cuesta Piloto Semi-boarding School in Santa Clara.


Figure 4. Results of the survey of Physical Education teachers

Figure 4 represents the result of the equity dimension in the teacher survey, where indicator one, referring to each student receiving the resources and aid to participate and

learn at levels of excellence, four teachers for a 66.6 %, they expressed negatively; the rest (two) 33.3% gave a positive response. It is inferred how the necessary knowledge of teachers to work with these students is almost zero, which is why urgent preparation in these contents is required. Indicator two, which details whether the attention received reproduces the inequalities of origin of the students, 100% said no. Already in the third indicator of the dimension, four teachers (66.6%) reaffirmed that everyone is provided with what they really need, while 33.3% did not consider it this way.

In the participation dimension, 100% of the teachers considered it important that these students participate in the adjustments to the PE curriculum for them. Only 17% thought that students with disabilities make decisions about their participation in Physical Education class; while 83.3% did not consider it that way. And to the same extent, the professors evaluated the indicator: “All opinions are taken into account to decide changes in the institution.”

The results in the equality of opportunity dimension reflected that according to 83.3% of the teachers, access to educational processes is guaranteed and each student receives what they deserve, in accordance with their rights, the rest 16.6 did not consider it.. Likewise, 50% stated that the principle of social justice is enforced in classes.

In a summarized analysis of the teachers' perception, a contradiction is reflected between their criteria and those of the schoolchildren regarding decision-making for participation in the Physical Education class; not considered by more than 80% of schoolchildren, limiting their access to extracurricular physical-educational processes such as Sports for All. These elements obviously do not favor equity, equal opportunities or participation, as aspects of educational attention at the center. This finding corresponds with what López, López and Díaz (2015) recognize; who in a biopsychosocial therapy through sport in children with demonstrated that participation in sport can not only alleviate attention symptoms but also increase equity and social competence in children with Developmental Attention and Hyperactivity Disorder. (p. 93)


The quality of the educational care process at the Sinternado Fernando Cuesta Piloto in Santa Clara is affected by the teachers' deficiencies regarding the knowledge of schoolchildren, their diagnosis and characterization, as well as the use of teaching media, methods and resources. adapted, that facilitate equity, equal opportunities and safe participation of these in the physical-sports activities of the school.

Participation in the process of educational care for schoolchildren with disabilities is considered of great importance by those surveyed, although it requires greater participation by schoolchildren in the adjustments to the PE curriculum for them; For this, their opinions on the changes must be taken into account.


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