Games for the development motor in the children of five to six years


Play is a means to organize children in early childhood and a way to educate them comprehensively during physical activities; It is also a developmental activity, which implies its necessary inclusion in the educational teaching process. In this sense, the objective of this research was to design games for the motor development of children aged five to six years from the “Pequeñines del Escambray” Children's Center in the municipality. Manicaragua. Associated with the above, an effective tool is offered for the personnel in charge of Early Childhood, if the integration of all areas of knowledge is taken into account. The application of methods and techniques of scientific research made it possible to offer solutions for educators depending on the proposed goal, among which are synthetic analytical methods; inductive deductive; documentary analysis, non- participant observation, survey, interview and user criteria, also mathematical statistical methods, empirical frequency distribution. Among the main results is reflected the knowledge achieved by the teacher and the assistant regarding the diversity of games that can be developed aimed at the motor development of Early Childhood children.

Keywords: game, early childhood education, activity, motor development


Imagining the world of childhood without play is almost impossible. The first bodily interactions with the baby are imbued with the playful spirit: the tickling, the rocking, those parenting games that Mena, C. P., Flores, C. B., Arteaga, P. E., Saldaña, D., & Navarrete, E. L. (2021) talk about ).

At the same time, it is commonly known for being the main activity that characterizes the stage, since it represents a spontaneous and natural way of approaching reality, as Bernate, J. A. (2021) and Castro, E. I. (2022) point out and, ultimately, a mode of socialization with culture. An aspect with which it coincides since in the process of acquiring skills according to the development shown by children at a certain stage, they achieve others of greater complexity.

For some years now, studies have been carried out that show differences and similarities between the forms of children's play in various cultures, Pacheco, J. C (2022). The

variations in attitudes towards play that exist between cultures and subcultures are explained in terms of cultural values about childhood and relationships with the world, García, M (2022). But regardless of the culture in which they grow up, there is no doubt that all children are involved in playful dynamics; it is a universal pattern.

Various authors, including Chávez, Z. R. M., Espinoza, A. R. F., Espino, A. M. E., Melgarejo, R. M. A., Chávez, R. M., & Guerrero, O. I. C. (2021) carry out an evaluation of the influence of play, considered a teaching strategy on motor development. of children 3 and 4 years of early childhood, where a Gross Motor Development test (TGMG-2) is applied, achieving a significant improvement in motor development in relation to locomotion and object control skills.

In that same sense, Quito, AL (2021) and Toriz, APR and Zaldívar, MA (2021) also highlight that it can be seen that play constitutes the basis of motor development since it occupies a central place in their lives. Also in another sense, the authors Nieves, MD., Domínguez, A and Rodríguez, UB (2020) point out that play plays a very important role in physical-recreational activities in the formation of the child.

In the literature that guides and prepares preschool teachers, the current preschool education program is structured by cycles, although measurable achievements are expected per year of life, its objectives have been created to be achieved in each cycle, in the same way the contents referring to the different areas of development are integrated; However, they appear perfectly integrated when implementing their application in the institution. Agrelo, O., et al. (2013)

On the other hand, the observable reality in children aged five to six years from the DC “Pequeñines del Escambray” municipality of Manicaragua shows deficiencies in coordination, rhythmicity of movement, that is, a motor lag when executing inverted quadrupeds, climbing, rebound catching, skills that must be consolidated at these ages since their movements were clumsy, the execution of the activities were not effective and when they were presented with a motor challenge it was difficult for them to make adjustments to their movement patterns in response to the problems posed in Physical Education (PE) sessions, since there are limited recreational activities that contribute to motor development. Therefore, the objective of this research is: to design games for the motor development of children aged five to six years from the “Pequeñines del Escambray” Children's Center in the Manicaragua municipality.

The importance of the present study lies in the conception of the games in the face of the challenges of the new preschool curriculum, constituting a source of study for the

comprehensive development in preschool childhood from the motor dimension, in the face of the growing challenges that are currently being resolved in the institutions in charge of educating children from an early age.

Materials and methods

A population of 17 preschool children (five to six years old) was used, composed of eight girls and nine boys from the aforementioned center; another population of ten people who are key informants (five teaching teachers, two pedagogical assistants, two methodologists, one from National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (SRPENI) and one from Ministry of Education (EM), from the municipality of Santa Clara, from Early Childhood), as well as the PE teacher from center, which provided the information corresponding to the knowledge they had about the work for the motor development of the cycle.

The research was carried out using synthetic analytical methods at the theoretical level; inductive deductive; that allowed us to delve deeper into the phenomenon studied based on general and specialized bibliography, as well as reach conclusions, make evaluations and establish relationships between the theoretical foundations and the practical elements of the research.

The observation was carried out with the objective of evaluating the implementation of the scheduled PE activities and determining the current behavior of the teachers and assistants of the Early Childhood children.

The survey was applied through a questionnaire of questions previously prepared to the teachers, assistants and methodologists, with the objective of obtaining criteria on the proposal of games for the motor development of children, non-participant observation was used allowing registration visual of what is happening with respect to the real situation.

The interview was applied to the teachers, assistants and methodologists with the objective of assessing the forms of work as oriented in the Preschool Education programs. The use of participatory techniques: brainstorming and subsequently reducing the list to develop motor games.

The mathematical statistical method, the empirical distribution of frequencies was used with the objective of representing the results of the observations, the survey, the interview and the application of participatory techniques.

The user criteria was also applied to 10 key informants for evaluation, including five teachers, two assistants, two teaching methodologists and the center's PE teacher. In that sense, according to Matos, C. (2006), they are the opinions expressed by subjects who become users or direct beneficiaries of a proposal, who are or will be responsible for the application of such results in the immediate or medium future. The following aspects were evaluated:

  1. Theoretical foundation of the games proposal for motor development.

  2. Correspondence of the games that are proposed with the needs and potential of children of these ages.

  3. Affordability of the games, referring to the area of motor skills.

  4. Correspondence of the games, with the proposed objectives.

  5. The proposed games and the methodological guidelines for their implementation, as a tool for the work of the teacher and the assistant for the motor development of children aged five to six years.

    The aspects had to be evaluated on a scale of five values (one to five), where five represents the maximum value given to each aspect and one, the minimum value. Likewise, participatory techniques (brainstorming) are used at first.

    Results and discussion

    Through the scientific methods applied, the documentary analysis allowed us to analyze the new programs in improvement of the Cuban preschool curriculum, the methodological guidelines and precisions of the SRPENI for 2023 and the Training Programs were considered. PE Preschool that are currently in force in children's institutions, documents through which teachers are prepared in the motor development of children in the cycle under investigation, it is confirmed that there are isolated actions in the dimension of education and development of motor skills, however , do not offer alternatives that serve as tools for the integration of the contents from the programmed PE activity, with the rest of the dimensions of the program, which achieves the development of knowledge in the children. Nor are any didactically structured activities exemplified that truly respond to significant learning in children aged five to six years. Seven scheduled PE activities were observed for six months with a biweekly frequency. These were developed in the “Pequeñines del Escambray” Children's Circle. In them, eight indicators with their parameters were observed, which were evaluated in three categories: good (B), regular (R) and bad (M).

    Table # 1 Results of observation of scheduled PE activities. (Initial diagnostic)


    Indicators number

    of activities

    Evalu ation

    % Observations

    1. Orientation of motor tasks of teachers towards children

      7 B 100 Evaluated from


    2. Suitable conditions for activities. 4 B 57.1 Evaluated from

      3 R 42.8 R

    3. Participation of auxiliaries in activities 3 R 42.8 Evaluated from

      4 M 57.1 M

    4. children's emotional state 4 B 57.1 Evaluated from

      3 R 42.8 R

    5. Use of media and materials by children and teachers

      6 B 85.7 Evaluated from

      1 R 14.2 B

    6. Methods and procedures used in activities

      4 B 57.1 Evaluated from

      3 R 42.8 R

    7. Level of development of children in the execution of basic motor skills.

      1 B 14.2

      3 R 42.8

      3 M 42.8

      Evaluated from


    8. Correspondence between educational activities and activities

7 B 100 Evaluated from


Other criteria.

Performing an in-depth analysis of the applied indicators, it is inferred that those with the greatest difficulties according to observation are manifested in numbers 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 given the limited conditions for carrying out the activities, since they are weighted fine motor skills, in the classroom, there is poor participation of the assistants in motor activities, little creativity in play activities for the motivation of children, poor use of methods and procedures and therefore limited level of motor development.

The performance of the teachers, regarding motor development with a playful nature, is diagnosed as limited. It is generally evaluated as fair due to the characteristics of the cycle and the measurable motor achievements in it.

The interview was carried out with the five teachers, two assistants and the PE teacher, corroborating that the literature where they prepare, actions appear for work aimed at fine or gross motor skills, however, they are not directed at motor development, taking as references the components of psychomotor skills where all the child's actions are manifested with the body in movement. In this sense, the need to propose games for motor development is ratified.

The indicators of greatest deficiencies respond to 1, 2 and 3, referring to whether in the different areas of development in the Preschool Education Programs; The activities to promote the motor development of children aged 5-6 years are well defined; yes in the methodological guidelines in the different areas; The ways that can promote the motor development of children aged 5-6 years are well explained and in the recreational activities reflected in the programs, the children's motor skills are boring (monotonous). These results reveal the limited knowledge of the teachers. to achieve the motor development of children.

In the design of the games, the methods and instruments applied in the diagnosis were taken into account, as well as the active participation of the teachers, the assistants, the methodologist and the author. In addition to coinciding with the concept given by Jover, Prieto and Sánchez-Serrano (2017) when suggesting that the child learns by playing in his environment and achieves values by respecting the rules, among other aspects to take into account for the methodology of the games that They proposed.

Structure of the games

Theme: refers to the topic that will be addressed in the proposed games.

Objective: they are determined in correspondence with the theme referred to in each of the games.

Content: it is determined for each game and is in correspondence with the objectives pursued, based on achieving the motor development of children between five and six years old.

Method: those that stimulate creative thinking in the solution of problems that arise in relation to the topic to be discussed, the intellectual, socio-affective, and motor development of children, productive activity, knowledge, feelings and attitudes predominate.

Teaching aids: materials that support the application of the method determined for each motor game, physical exercise either to stimulate thinking or to contribute to problem solving.

Concepts: it is taken into account according to the game to be treated and its transfer to everyday life.

Procedures: it will be done taking into account the progressive and autonomous orientation in the game, and the appropriate use of toys and material means.

Evaluation: it will be done if necessary and will be carried out individually or in groups in order to know how the learning process is progressing.

Games proposal

General objective of the proposal: Improve the motor development of children from five to six years of age at the “Pequeñines del Escambray” Children's Center in the municipality of Manicaragua.

The games are aimed specifically at children aged five to six years old from the C/I “Pequeñines del Escambray” in the municipality of Manicaragua. The maximum aspiration is that they constitute material for the motor development of infants.

GAME #1 “The Mirror” Objective: emotional control. Age: 5 -6 years

Number of children: all

Means: physical exercise, mirror.

Concepts: discover the different movement possibilities that the body has. Procedures: experiment with shapes, movements, rhythms and body expressions

Organization: two or three large circles are formed, with an equal number of children, standing and oriented in a clockwise direction.

Development: Pairs are formed. Face to face, one of the two will move slowly trying to follow the melody and the other will imitate him as if he were the image of a mirror. After a while the roles are exchanged.

GAME #2 “The Chicken Coop” Objective: Experience spatial sensations Age: 5-6 years

Number of children: all

Media: physical exercise, chalk or fabric, glue, and balls.

Concepts: discover the different possibilities of movement that the body has.

Procedures: experiment with shapes, movements, rhythms and body expressions. Organization: scattered, circles

Development: Draw a large circle with chalk or mark it with tape on the floor; where there is enough space inside for everyone. The children are sitting outside the circle until one gets up from the floor, stands in the middle and makes the sound of chickens clucking. Thus everyone, one after the other, places themselves inside the circle, emitting the same sound.

When all the children are inside the circle, they grab each other, forming a large mass and let out a huge collective “cackling.”


GAME #3“Who blew up the balloon?”

Objective: Auditory perception, spatial orientation, reaction time. Age: 5-6 years

Number of children: all

Media: physical exercise, balloons

Concepts: discover the different spatial orientation possibilities that the body has. Procedures: experiment with shapes, movements, rhythms and body expressions. Organization: circles.

Development: The children who are around the circle pass the balloon or balloons to each other, while one who is in the middle with his eyes closed is attentive to all the movements of the balloon because at a certain moment a player will make it explode and he will have have to guess who exploited it. If he gets it right, the roles are exchanged and if he doesn't, he remains inside the circle again. A player can be inside the circle a maximum of two times in a row.

GAME #4 “Guess and find the object”

Objective: exercise spatial orientation by finding objects and sounds. Age: 5-6 years

Number of children: all

Means: physical exercise, objects.

Concepts: discover the different spatial orientation possibilities that the body has. Procedures: experiment with shapes, movements, rhythms and body expressions. Organization: the children will be sitting in a circle with their eyes closed; one of them will be hidden imitating some object or animal.

Development: the educator will select a child and he or she will hide imitating some object or animal, while the others will be with their eyes closed waiting for the educator to guide them to open their eyes, then she will ask them what they hear. The first child who manages to respond will run to find where said object is hidden.

GAME #5 “Have a lot of vision”

Objective: Develop visual perception, immediate (visual) memory and attention. Age: 5-6 years

Number of children: all Means: physical exercise.

Concepts: memorize the possibilities of motor actions

Procedures: experiment with shapes, movements, rhythms and body expressions. Organization: pairs, dispersed

Development: Participants positioned opposite each other, one carefully observing the other for at least one minute. Next, they turn their backs on each other and the first person has to change some part of the clothes they are wearing (for example, pull up their pants); and perform a motor action (example: sitting, lying down, bending a leg) they will look at each other again and the second one will have to guess what has changed.

Variation: When turning your back you can change another part of your clothing and perform a jump, crouch, flex your arms).

GAME #6 “The Peeping Tom”

Objectives: Develop visual perception, eye-hand coordination, reaction time, attention- concentration and reflexes.

Age: 5 -6 years

Means: physical exercise, two balls per group Number of children: all

Concepts: discover the different spatial orientation possibilities that the body has. Procedures: experiment with shapes, movements, rhythms

Organization: scattered, circle

Development: The game is started by a child, who has to pass the ball to the first player who looks into the eyes of a second child. At the same time another, with another ball, is waiting for someone to look at her so she can pass the ball to him. To make the game more dynamic, it is important that the players get involved and look at whoever has one of the balls at that moment. You can't pass someone who doesn't look you in the eyes, nor can you look at the ground all the time.

For the evaluation of the games, the user criteria is applied, where the behavior of the evaluation between the aspects and the evaluation scale provided by the teachers, the assistants, and the methodologist are evident. It reflects the coincidence in the acceptance of the proposal. There is a tendency to group the values between four and five, which points towards the approval of the games proposal for the motor development of children aged five to six years from the C/I “Pequeñines del Escambray”.

Results of the survey carried out among teachers, assistants and methodologists, after applying the games proposal for motor development in children aged five to six years

The teachers, assistants and methodologists express that after applying the games, the relationships between them have improved, that the children have acquired a greater level of independence, they are active, and even capable of planning and organizing their games, they have a greater interrelation with others and greater self-confidence. They have internalized that any moment is conducive to motor development, to increase their joy, ideal to do also at home, in the park, on the beach.

They also add that due to the lack of theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the education and development dimension of motor skills, also its systematic practice in a playful way, motor development is limited, nor did they have correct guidance from the personnel in charge of teaching. They propose that the interweaving of both motor skills makes it easier for children to be more competent when playing in their daily actions, since they had knowledge and facility for fine motor skills.

They also reveal the satisfaction received with the developed games, since they were given suggestions and alternatives for tasks to perform in this difficult dimension such as motor skills, they were offered ideas, bibliographies for the preparation of materials in

the work of various motor actions, in addition of their expressed willingness to continue the programmed PE activities with the demands of the new curriculum being improved. Also noteworthy are the conditions that require the adequate preparation of the teaching staff, their disposition, awareness and interest in the activities to be carried out; as well as keeping in mind the child's evolutionary development (age, degree of maturity).

The aspects had to be evaluated by the teachers on a scale of five values (one to five), where five represents the maximum value given to each aspect and one, the minimum value.

Among the main results presented in table # 2, you can see the behavior of the evaluation between the aspects and the evaluation scale provided by the respondents. It reflects the coincidence in the positive acceptance of the proposal. There is a tendency to group the values between four and five, which points towards the approval of the proposed games for the motor development of the children under study.

Table # 2 Results of the rating scale provided by the respondents


ASPECTS 1 2 3 4 5

Theoretical foundation of the proposal of Games for x motor development in children aged five to six years

Correspondence of the games proposed with the x needs and potential of children of these ages.

Affordability of games referred to the Education and x Motor Development dimension.

Correspondence between the objective of achieving x motor development and the proposed games.

The proposed games and the methodological x guidelines for their implementation, as a tool in the

work of teachers for motor development in children aged five to six years

Other criteria.

The authors consider that both the proposal of games, as in any type of activity of the teacher with his students, must prioritize the game and the teacher's perceptive capacity.

As a summary, it can be noted that teachers, assistants and methodologists before the games are called to play a guiding role in them.

User criteria results

In question number one, which seeks to know if the effect caused by the proposed games was positive on the motor development of the children, 100% of those interviewed consider that it was and that they are of great help for performance in physical activities. It is considered that the proposal places special significance on the continuous preparation of teachers to take on the challenge of ensuring the training of children.

In relation to the advantages that are achieved with the application of these games, the nine interviewees, who represent 100%, say yes and mention the level of knowledge that children and teachers can acquire in relation to the theoretical elements. practical aspects of motor development in these preschool ages.

They also refer to the motivation in stimulating children when learning through play, by raising their emotional state, regulating their behavior, developing moral qualities and motor skills corresponding to these ages, as well as achieving greater teacher-child and child-child communication.

In relation to the opportune consideration of generalizing this proposal from an early age, reflected in question number two, 71.4%, that is, seven interviewees do consider it appropriate and necessary to generalize it from an early age, since it is the most important where the process of acquiring motor skills and abilities takes place that contribute to the comprehensive development of children, their movements, their emotions and feelings, their moral qualities to ensure their formation, only two interviewees representing 28.5% do not believe This proposal is necessary from an early age. However, it is still necessary to continue delving deeper into the subject to offer more precise recommendations.

In relation to the recommendations and suggestions for the improvement of the proposed games, eight of the interviewees, representing 86%, consider the games to be successful, and only one, representing 14.2%, suggests that more practical activities should be taken into account. aspect that was taken into account to enrich them, in which other motor skills were added for each game.

With the games carried out, it is possible to involve the auxiliaries, families of the children in the education and motor development dimension of the new curriculum in improvement, in this way their motor development is improved through basic motor skills and physical abilities, They are trained and assume that it is not only the school that is in charge of educating and working with children, but also their daily lives.


From what has been expressed above, the following conclusions can be reached:

The use of games for the motor development of children from five to six years old will favor the integral development of the infant in their daily actions, in addition to constituting a tool to be used by teachers to have educational guide material to encourage creativity and initiative in motor activities.

The result of the application of the user criteria corroborates the importance of the proposed games for the motor development of Early Childhood children since they improve it through basic motor skills and physical abilities.


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