Leg exercises for choreographic preparation in artistic
swimming for sports initiation
The sports preparation of the Artistic Swimming at present is aimed at perfecting the
specificities of performance in this sport. In this context, a task to be solved immediately
is related to the difficulty of the coaches to face the choreographic preparation, which
constitutes a fundamental part of the training process. For this reason, the objective of
this research was to select exercises that, due to their characteristics, allow coaches to
choreographically prepare their athletes, taking into account their feasibility to conceive
execution routines in the sports initiation stage. Different methods were used such as
document review, analysis and synthesis, interviews and techniques such as the
methodological workshop. The investigative process allowed to establish as part of the
choreographic preparation, a proposal of leg exercises to be carried out in the Dance
Barre, which could improve the execution in this segment of the body during the
performance of the routines. The proposal was valued as very suitable for its purposes
by specialists, so it means a useful tool to minimize a problem for coaches, in order to
achieve successful presentations of their athletes in the competition.
Keywords: choreographic preparation, artistic swimming, sports initiation
Sports practice at an early age is of great importance for the physical, cognitive and
affective development of children, especially in competitive art sports such as Artistic
Swimming (Fons and Ruiz, 2021; Romero, et. al., 2022). This modality is also known as
Synchronized Swimming or Synchronized Swimming and is distinguished by its
technical requirements that make it a unique sport, since it is a discipline that combines
Swimming, Gymnastics and Dance (Podrihalo, et. al., 2021; Hernández, Brito and
Wanton, 2021). To this we can add that, according to the Federation Internationale de
Gymnastique (FIG), in its Development and High Competition Program for age groups
in Acrobatic Gymnastics (2021), the rapid increase in the degree of difficulty of acrobatic
performances, It has been the result of increasing the volume and intensity of training at
ever younger ages.
The protagonists, swimmers, perform in the modalities of solos, duos, teams or combined.
The latter are also called combos, which perform a series of elaborate movements in the
water, to the rhythm of the music. Although currently the discipline of mixed duos has
been added, due to the demand of men interested in competing (ISF, 2021).
Sports training is a pedagogical, complex and specialized process that requires an
integrating scientific direction of each of the components of the teaching-learning process
to obtain sports results (Burt, Naughton, Higham & Landeo, 2020; Romero, et. al., 2022).
This is an aspect that must be treated with great precision due to the complexity of the
executions, hence the importance of carrying out a good choreographic preparation (ChP)
of the athletes.
In this sport, as part of the ChP, the work of the legs is essential in carrying out adequate
presentation routines. The athletes must demonstrate continuous movements, developing
their performance with elements of a high degree of technical difficulty. The practice of
this discipline contains various peculiarities closely related to the character and typology
of other disciplines such as Dance (Afre, Ganda and Noda, 2016). The power and potency
in sport is manifested in the work of routines and choreography. They are designed with
a harmonious character, where different arm and leg movements and combinations of
these are performed with a high degree of complexity (Carro, 2000; Navarro, 2006).
One of the aspects that brings the most beauty to this sport is undoubtedly the majesty of
the work with the legs carried out by the athletes when they stand out from the water
surface. During the execution of the routines, the athletes must reflect that there is no
effort in their demonstration, where different angles are formed between the legs and
between them and the trunk (Cortés, 2013 and 2014). As in other sports, technical
preparation is of great importance and requires work in accordance with the requirements
from the base to the High Performance pyramid (Solana, et. al., 2019).
The practice begins from an early age between 5 and 6 years of age, although the base of
the pyramid falls on the categories 7 - 8 years and 9 - 10 years, where work is done by
Teaching Programs. All this means that when planning the preparation process, coaches
take into account what is indicated in the Comprehensive Athlete Preparation Program
(ISMPP) for these categories (Simón, et. al., 2016).
An aspect to consider in the sports initiation of this sport is the leg work during the
execution of the routines carried out by the athletes, which usually last three to four
minutes. The athletes hold their breath for long periods of time, up to 30 seconds,
however, in the content proposed in the current Comprehensive Athlete Preparation
Program (ISMPP) of Artistic Swimming, no reference is made to leg exercises that allow
the trainers, the development of the PC in the classes. Therefore, in the opinion of the
authors, it still lacks exercises for choreographic preparation. It has been possible to verify
through the Methodological Preparations of this sport in the province of Villa Clara and
the visits to training sessions of the Artistic Swimming coaches for sports initiation, that
many of the exercises applied do not allow to specify adequate routines to solve the
deficiencies of the athletes regarding the quality and beauty of footwork.
The choreographers and trainers, in their desire to solve their problems, transfer the
content of the ISMPP of Rhythmic Gymnastics or another related sport to their training.
In this sense, they take exercises that they consider basic for the CP, which they apply to
the athletes three times a week, although to a certain extent decontextualized with respect
to the characteristics of the competitive activity. From the above, it can be deduced that
this preparation is carried out empirically, since these exercises are extrapolated without
taking into account their contextualization to the inherent needs of this sport. To this it
can be added that the trainers set up the routines using exercises based on their criteria
and personal appreciations, without a solid foundation or simply taking exercises from
other related modalities.
The investigations in this sense are scarce in comparison with other sports, despite the
fact that the National Commission of this sport in Cuba guides working the Ch P three
times a week. Although for some years there have been studies on Artistic Swimming
such as those developed by Hernández, Brito, and Wanton (2021) that propose historical
background of the training process of the figures, as well as that of Fons and Ruiz (2021)
that It provides a preparation system to develop explosive strength in the lower limbs,
these do not include the contents for the ChP in training, which include the difficulty and
virtuosity demanded by the competition. Taking into account the above, the objective of
this work was to select exercises that, due to their characteristics, allow coaches to
choreographically prepare their athletes, taking into account their feasibility to conceive
execution routines in the sports initiation stage.
Materials and methods
The research is descriptive and for its development we worked with three populations.
The first made up of four Artistic Swimming coaches at the School of Sports Initiation
School (SIS) of Villa Clara, directly linked to the training of this sport in said center. This
group had the characteristics that one had a degree in Physical Culture and the rest
graduated from intermediate level, with an average of three years of work in sports.
A second population made up of five Provincial Methodologists of this sport, in the
central region of Cuba (provinces of Villa Clara, Cienfuegos, Sancti Spíritus, Ciego de
Ávila and Camagüey) who accompanied their delegations, during a Preparatory
Competition held at the SIS from Villa Clara in March 2018. All of them graduated in
Physical Culture, ages between 28 and 40 years old and three with a Master's degree in
Sports Training. With these two populations we worked to diagnose the deficiencies and
needs of the trainers regarding the ChP. We also worked with a third population made up
of the 16 coaches who participated with their athletes in the Artistic Swimming
competition of the High Performance National School Games in its 2019 edition. All
provinces were represented and all of them were characteristic. they had more than 5
years of experience as trainers or judges. They were used in the research to establish
exercises for the ChP of Artistic Swimming athletes and the characteristics that they
should have.
We also worked with an intentional sample of 8 specialists with special characteristics,
which were used to determine the relevance of the exercise proposal. The specialist
criterion was considered, considering as such people who met the following
Have at least 8 years of experience as an Artistic Swimming coach.
Hold the scientific category of Specialist, Master or Doctor in Physical Culture
Possess experience and category of Judge.
Having worked in Artistic Swimming for sports initiation or linked to it in some
way for at least 5 years.
To have worked in the sport initiation of this modality.
Different methods and techniques were used such as: analysis and synthesis and
inductive-deductive, document analysis, interview and specialist criteria. Methodological
workshops and brainstorming were used as research techniques. The research went
through three phases, the first had the objective of diagnosing the needs of the Artistic
Swimming coaches to develop the ChP in the sports initiation of this sport and to establish
the characteristics that leg exercises should have to develop adequate routines in this type
of preparation in sports initiation stage.
The second phase had the objective of selecting leg exercises for Artistic Swimming and
with this, adequately conceiving the ChP of the routines. Within the framework of the
High Performance National School Games 2019, two sessions of methodological
workshops were held with the aforementioned trainers. In the first, a specialized
conference was given by the main researcher regarding the needs of the CP and the
deficiencies that occur in the legwork during the routines, which allowed opening spaces
for discussion on the subject. In the second joint workshop with the coaches, there was a
broad debate on the characteristics that the leg exercises should have in order to develop
adequate routines in the ChP of Artistic Swimming in sports initiation.
In the third phase, the objective was focused on validating, through specialist criteria, the
leg exercises to adequately conceive the ChP. The aspects for the assessments regarding
the proposed exercises were: their practical utility, their relevance for the ChP, the
objectivity of their structuring and the importance that their implementation could have.
It was carried out in a methodological meeting with the specialists to assess the exercises
proposed in the previous phase. To obtain these specialized criteria, it was carried out in
a group manner with all those involved. In said procedure, the objective of the exercises,
their description and their importance were reviewed.
Results and discussion
As a result of the first phase of the investigation, it was obtained that the main needs of
the Artistic Swimming coaches for sports initiation are focused on aspects such as:
perfecting artistic expression within routines, improving beauty, aesthetics and body
expression of the athlete. leg work in the routines and the development of adequate
choreography using different classical, folkloric and traditional dances. In addition, the
need to clarify the positions of the legs was evidenced (Figure 1), which could later
influence the execution of the routines.
Figure 1. Leg positions for routines in Artistic Swimming. Source: Taken from FIG, 2021.
This phase also made it possible to determine the characteristics that the leg exercises
must have to develop adequate routines in the ChP, which can be summarized as: look
for a wide range of legs, correct position of the body (straightened, head erect, shoulders
back, view to the front), maintained balance and combination of flexion, extension and
pointing of the feet, as well as the modeling of individual forms of movements
corresponding to the possibilities of the athletes. As a result of the second phase of the
investigation, an initial proposal of 10 leg exercises was obtained to develop adequate
routines in the ChP of Artistic Swimming for sports initiation. Subsequently, in table
work developed by the researchers, and after a reasoned analysis of each proposed
exercise, the initial proposal was reduced to a total of 6 leg exercises, which are shown
Exercise 1.
Name: Releve.
Objective: Work on the Dance Barre to contribute to the preparation of the foot and knee
muscles for the performance of other subsequent exercises, in addition to strengthening
the foot and ankles, as well as developing the arch of the foot for the performance of other
subsequent exercises.
Exercise Description: Relevé means to rise up on the balls of your feet. In the exercise
the athlete must remain in the standing position on the toes, pressing the ground equally
with the big, second and third toes when facing the bar. Distribute the weight of the body
on both legs, rotate the legs outwards keeping the knees extended, contract the buttocks
and trunk muscles, as well as keep the trunk vertical and the hands resting in a relaxed
way on the bar. Later, after touching one knee with another, you should gently lower your
Graphic representation:
Figure # 1: I relieved. Source: Taken from FIG, 2021.
Importance: The importance of Relevé in Artistic Swimming is given because the
technical figures are mostly performed with the legs on the surface, say Ballet, vertical
positions, knight, squad, turns, etc.; which implies that aesthetically the lines of the legs
must be well defined. Therefore, with the Relevé suit on land, the muscles of the legs and
the plantar arch are strengthened, promoting a better technical mastery to later be
transferred to training in the water.
Exercise 2.
Name: Demi-Plié and Grand-Plié.
Objective: In Dance Barre, work the small and large muscles of the legs, as well as the
Achilles Tendon. Develop flexibility of the knee, coxofemoral joint and ankles.
Exercise Description: Plié means squatting. The athlete will have her knees fully
extended, her pelvis in a neutral position, her abdomen in, her shoulders down, her head
up and her eyes forward, with a general body sensation of permanent lengthening. For the
execution of the Demi-Plie, the athlete will perform a small flexion of the knees (in 5th
position with legs in front and in the rest of the positions outwards) with pressure on the
heels against the ground. The Gran-Plie starts from the initial position with the knees fully
extended, the pelvis in a neutral position, abdomen in, shoulders down, head up and eyes
forward, with a general body sensation of permanent lengthening, a total flexion is
executed where the Athlete gradually and gently lifts the heels off the ground, keeping
the heels on the ground as much as possible and then when returning to the starting
position the heels make first contact with the ground and the legs return to the starting
position ( except in the 2nd leg position in which the heels are never lifted off the ground).
Graphic representation:
Figure # 2: Plié and Grand plié. Source: Taken from FIG, 2021.
Importance: The importance of this exercise in Artistic Swimming is given because it
contributes to the correct execution of the athletes in the technique of Split Position and
counter catalina rotation.
Exercise 3.
Name: Battement tendu.
Objective: At the Dance Barre, work the small and large muscles of the legs and
strengthen the instep.
Description of the exercise: Tendu means extended, therefore, during the exercise the
athlete moves her leg forward, to the side and back with her toes pointed and without
lifting them off the ground until stretching. When practicing the Battement tendu starting
in first, third and fifth position, the leg moves smoothly in a rolling motion and then
returns to the starting position. At first the athlete should slide the leg over the entire foot,
but gradually the intricacies should be increased. When executing the simple Battement
tendu they include transferring the weight of the body onto the working leg, bending the
knee and lifting it off the ground without a sliding movement and moving the end of the
working leg to the side, while executing the movement forward and backward. Lines
should be drawn on the ground to help the athlete understand the movement
Graphic representation:
Figure # 3: Battement tendu. Source: Taken from FIG, 2021.
Importance: The importance of this exercise in Artistic Swimming is given because it
contributes to the correct execution of the athletes in the technique of: Flamenco, Knight,
Crane and Fish Tail.
Exercise # 4.
Name: Batement Tendu Jete, throwing the leg.
Objective: In the Dance Barre, promote a change in the muscular work regime from
smooth to abrupt movements.
Description of the exercise: Tendu Jete means throwing the leg, so the movement starts
from an extension of the leg sliding the sole of the foot along the ground until it reaches
the starting position (Tendu). The athlete raises the toes with a balance of 25 to 45 degrees
in an energetic way and returns to the starting position. You can lift your leg forward,
backward, or to the side in easy glide motions. The toes of the working leg extended in
the air should be opposite the heel of the supporting leg.
The athlete must return her working leg to the starting position without delay using the
extended leg to vigorously touch the ground and without relaxing the instep at this point.
It consists of rocking forwards and backwards at an angle of 90 degrees or more for first
position, execute this movement through Battement Tendu touching the ground with
pointed toes. He then lifts his leg (toes extended and knees drawn to their full height) and
uses the Battement Tendu again, as he brings the leg back to the starting position by
gradually lowering it with muscles tense and toes pointed. tip by sliding the toes after
touching the ground.
Graphic representation:
Figure # 4: Batement tendu Jete. Source: Taken from FIG, 2021.
Importance: The importance of this exercise in Artistic Swimming is given because it
pays tribute to the correct execution of the athletes in the technical execution of: Turns in
a vertical position and Crane.
Exercise # 5.
Name: Grand battement Jete balance.
Objective: In Dance Barre develop the flexibility of the hip and knees.
Description of the exercise: the movement begins with the Battement Tendú technique
and raises the working leg forcefully and then returns to its starting position. It is
recommended that the athlete begin by learning the lateral jete battement from the
position facing the barre and then backwards from this.
Graphic representation:
Figure # 5: Grand battement Jete balance. Source: Taken from FIG, 2021.
Importance: The importance of this exercise in Artistic Swimming is given because it
contributes to the correct execution of the athletes in the technical execution of: Knight
Position, Ballet, legs together and extended.
Exercise # 6.
Name: Rond de jambe par terre and en I'air.
Objective: In Barre Dance develop hip flexibility.
Exercise description:
A. Round of jambe par terre.
It consists of moving the extended leg level in an arc while the toes touch the ground. The
exercise begins and ends with the same sliding movement as in simple Battement Tendu.
The leg can move outwards (en dehors) or inwards en (dedans) smoothly and evenly. The
thigh of the working leg is externally rotated and the weight of the body falls on the
supporting leg. The athlete must concentrate on maintaining the position of external
rotation of the free leg, especially on the heel. When practicing this exercise en dehors
the coach should control the position of the athlete's working leg at the finishing point
from behind, before returning the leg to the starting position. The termination point in
front must be under control when practicing this dedans exercise.
Graphic representation:
Figure # 6: Rond de jambe par terre. Source: Taken from FIG, 2021.
B. Rond de jambe par en I´air.
They are circular movements of the leg in the air. The oval shape is formed by the
hamstring of the working leg that the athlete has raised to 45 degrees or less. The athlete
can execute Rond de jambe en I'air in two directions outward or inward. In both directions
the pointed toes of the working leg touch the calf of the supporting leg as the thigh rotates
Graphic representation
Figure # 6a: Rond de jambe par en I´air. Source: Taken from FIG, 2021.
Importance: The importance of this exercise in Artistic Swimming is given because it
pays tribute to the correct execution of the athletes in the technique for counter catalina
As a result of the third phase, the criteria of the evaluations made by the specialists were
obtained (Table 1). They valued on the basis of the established level of significance (1-
Very high, 2- High, 3- Average, 4- Low) which, based on their experience, gave each
aspect the following aspects that appear in Table 1.
Table # 1. Evaluation of the specialists on the exercises for the CP in Artistic Swimming
of sports initiation.
Criteria issued by the 11 specialists according to the assessed aspects
Criteria issued
A. Utility
Criteria issued
B. Relevance for Choreographic Preparation
Criteria issued
C. Objectivity of its structuring
Criteria issued
D. Importance
Symbology: Significance levels (1) Very high, (2) High, (3) Average, (4) Low.
As can be seen in the table above, the significance criteria issued by the specialists
regarding the proposed exercises were 75% rated Very High and 25% rated High.
Artistic Swimming has had multiple transformations in the competition mode in recent
years, therefore, it increasingly demands a preparation that meets the technical
requirements of this sport (Podrihalo, et., al., 2021), all which is evidenced in the research
process that made it possible to demonstrate in its first phase, like other investigations
(Hernández, Brito and Wanton, 2021) that coaches have a great historical need to address
these issues, due to the difficulties that are encountered. present to them when developing
the routines related to the PC.
One aspect that affects this sense is that the sport's PIPD does not establish leg exercises
to be used in said preparation. In this sense, he agrees with other authors such as Laucerica
and Muñoz (2011), who suggest the need to form solid postural and choreographic habits
that guarantee the basis for subsequent technical requirements in this sport. The
choreographic preparation for Artistic Swimming includes the entire system of influence
exercises, aimed at educating the motor culture of the athletes, as well as the expressive
arsenal (Laucerica and Muñoz, 2011). These reasons support that, in the second phase of
the research process, it was possible to select and redesign leg exercises that have as a
fundamental characteristic: they must be worked on the Dance Barre and based on their
characteristics, the athletes will be able to transfer the acquired skills to the development
of routines in the aquatic environment.
All this taking into consideration that the control of movements is characterized by great
complexity, variety and delicacy (Fons and Ruiz, 2021). As a significant element of these
exercises, the similarity in movement patterns, necessary energy systems and muscle
groups present in the performance of the routines can be mentioned, hence their great
utility (Calero, 2019; Fons and Ruiz, 2021). Although there are other investigations such
as those developed by Simón et al. (2016) and Chirino, Zamora and Fernández (2022),
they do not explicitly address exercises for the CP, but instead address other elements of
sports preparation. The proposed exercises have as a fundamental basis for their selection
the study carried out in the specialized literature on the subject, in the same way the
manifestations given in practice in competitive activity.
The evaluative analysis carried out on the ChP in Artistic Swimming for sports initiation
demonstrated the need to have leg exercises that guarantee the work of the routines based
on the characteristics of the modality and the competitive demands.
The novelty of these exercises is that by including the Dance Barre, which will allow the
athletes to better assimilate the learning of leg work that is carried out in the ChP routines.
Although the proposed exercises are based on the need to perfect the ChP routines in
Artistic Swimming for sports initiation and specialists give an adequate assessment of
them, their effectiveness in practical implementation should be assessed.
Limitations of this study.
The limitation of this work is that it only remains a proposal; the authors will continue
working on the assessment through its implementation in practice.
The authors give our very special thanks to Dr. C. Orestes Griego Cairo, Coordinator of
the Master's Degree in Sports Training for High Performance, belonging to the "Marta
Abreu" Central University of Las Villas, since his support for the development of our
research was decisive.
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