know of patriots being Che and Fidel the most cited, since only one mentions Céspedes,
ignoring figures such as - Martí, Perucho Figueredo, Enrique José Varona, Francisco
Vicente Aguilera among others. Note that only two children (13.33%) know something
about Chess and only two (13.33%) know a Chess book.
Progress is appreciated in a before and after. Other works deal with issues related to
patriots who played Chess, but not precisely linking the History of Cuba with Chess to
encourage the incorporation of infants into this sport, as well as motivate them for this
important subject for the development of their identity History of Cuba . That is its
novelty. These results are confirmed in Negri, S (2022) and Santiago, O. (2022). It is
especially recommended for the depth of historical research regarding sport and its link
with the stages of history from the biographical in Capablanca to Sánchez, MA (2017).
As dissatisfactions, it is expressed that it is still a small sample. It must be extended to
other schools, neighborhoods, communities, municipalities and also incorporate the
gender and social inclusion approach in vulnerable neighborhoods.
Chess has passed until these days by the hand of relevant figures in the History of Cuba
from all fields of knowledge, but above all by historical leaders and sharing this historical
legacy is very beneficial for primary school children, since On the one hand, it motivates
them and makes the study of this part of history more fluent by awakening their curiosity,
at the same time that it encourages them to learn about this game and it is undeniable that
it is precisely at an early age that interest in Chess should born, because on the one hand
it is more feasible to pave the way step by step looking for a new Capablanca.
According to (Ramón et al., 2022) this strategic line of work for the development of
school Chess is strengthened, for the sake of its double educational role and for the
selection of high-level chess players in the period 2022-2028. Therefore, this research
also provides a step on the path of dissemination and massification of Chess through its
link with the history of the Homeland, in a sustainable project due to its few resources.
The incorporation of new local actors such as other students, including high school
students, is also invited.
The preceding bibliographical review revealed that there is little research history that
links chess with the study of History at school ages, which is confirmed by the initial
surveys, since the figures of Che and Fidel are barely known.