We are here, now with the publication of Vol. 8 Nu. 1, of the journal Science and
Physical Activity (ScPA).

This is another opportunity to feel satisfied for reaching the moment of the publication

of another number of our magazine, in which we can show the result of the scientific

work of local authors, from Cuba and from other countries. We extend our thanks from

the Editorial Board, to the entire work team for their efforts, and again to the

collaborators for their commitment in such difficult times of resurgence of the

pandemic, to you and our readers, this edition is dedicated, which contributes to the

dissemination of research results in the area of physical culture and sports, of proven

importance for the human being.

The current issue presents an attractive proposal: Cardiovascular modifications in long-

distance athletes from Villa Clara during the 2018-2019 training macrocycle;

Characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100-meter dash; Firefighter strength

preparation for hook ladder tower assault event.

The contributions related to: Test to evaluate the precision of the shot in a penalty

situation in Water Polo players are interesting; Exercises with weights for the strength

of the serve in school tennis players from Villa Clara; Analysis of the effectiveness of

the counter initiative scheme in Table Tennis athletes; Individualized exercises to

improve the stopping technique of handball school goalkeepers.

We also propose a suitable job for the elderly: Educational physical-recreational actions

for the participation of the Circle of Grandparents "Alegría de Vivir" and, also in the

field of improvement: Methodology for the improvement of artistic gymnastics trainers

for the preparation psychology of athletes.

We look forward for your collaborations to continue making science in the field of

physical activity and sports.

Dr C Ana Odalis Ruano Anoceto
Editor in Chief