Characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100 hundred meters flat run


The  characteristics  of  the  competitive  activity  of  the  100-meter  sprint  has  multiple demands  in  the  physiological,  morphological,  psychological  and  functional  order, which are usually found in most of the literature consulted for the 100, 200 and 400 m sprint  races.  in  general,  despite  the  differences  between  them.  In  addition,  these demands are not found in a single literary body, which makes it difficult to understand them as they are not seen as a whole, for this reason this research aims to systematize the study on the characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100-meter race plans specifically and collect these in a single document. For this, methods of the empirical level and theoretical level are used, such as: the analytical-synthetic, the inductive- deductive, the systemic approach, the interview, the survey and open and participatory techniques, as well as user criteria. As a result of the assumed theoretical conception, it is possible to determine the demands imposed on the athlete by the competition in this test, all of which is valued as necessary and pertinent by the users of this specialty.

Keywords: speed, indicators, competitive activity


The development of Athletics as the king sport of all the physical capacities of the human  being,  requires  the  correct  application  of  all  the  scientific  methods  already established so that a positive influence is achieved in the sports performance of the athletes of 100 meters dash run (López and Granado, 2018).

In  correspondence  with  the  above,  this  study  responds  to  a  demand  from  Athletics coaches  related  to  obtaining  information  on  the  characteristics  of  the  competitive activity of the 100-m flat race, since their determination allows detecting the indicators performance,  guide  the  athlete  preparation  process  towards  present  and  future achievements, as well as its control.

Matveev  (2001),  expresses  that  the  competitive  activity  of  the  athlete  is  the  set  of actions that the athlete performs or executes in the competition process, united by the competitive  end  and  the  objective  logic  consequence  of  the  regulations  of  its performance.

Authors,  such  as  González  (2016),  Espinosa  (2019)  and  Fundora  (2019),  have determined the characteristics of the competitive activity of their respective sports and have made clear the importance that these have when developing the preparation and achievement of sports results, with which they have contributed to the theory of their sports disciplines.

Several authors have investigated on the subject, unleashing among these, Guerra et al. (2018) who allude to the differences of five variables in female 100-meter athletes in two  levels  of  sports  performance,  Guillamon  and  Saorín  (2014)  refer  to  the physiological parameters of the 100-meter sprint test for Athletics and Salas ( 2009), who  alludes  to  the  physiological  characteristics  of  sprint  runners  (100-meter  flat), among others.

However, the lack of a systematization in relation to the study of the characteristics of competitive activity and particularly in the 100-m flat race, allows us to state that the bibliography  on  this  activity  is  scarce  and  that  which  has  been  found,  in  its  Most generalize these characteristics for the tests of 100, 200 and 400 flat meters, despite their particularities from the morphological, functional, physiological and psychological point of view.

For this reason, this research aims to systematize the study on the characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100-meter race specifically and to compile these in a single document.


The research is carried out in the context of the Schools for Sports Initiation School (SIS) of Villa Clara and Sancti Spíritus, due to the fact that both provinces have been systematizing the database for this result in projects preceding this research.

We work with a first population made up of eight speed coaches, six from the Villa Clara SIS and two from Sancti Spíritus and a second population made up of the six members of the technical commissions of the Villa Clara and Sancti Spíritus provinces (3 and 3).

Among the applied methods are: the analytical-synthetic, the inductive-deductive, the systemic approach, the interview, the survey and open and participatory techniques; criteria of users.

The  interview:  to  the  members  of  the  technical  commissions  in  order  to  know  the information they have on the characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100-m flat runners.

Survey: to coaches with the purpose of verifying the knowledge they have about the characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100-m flat runner and its importance. To  obtain  information  on  user  satisfaction  regarding  the  characteristics  of  the competitive activity of the 100-m flat race, the IADOV technique was used for the evaluation of determined planes, as well as their need, utility and relevance, taking into account the Theoretical postulates of Campistrous and Rizo (2006) cited in Fernández and López (2014).

This technique allowed obtaining the group satisfaction index (GSI), for which we work with the different levels of satisfaction that are expressed on the numerical scale that oscillates between +1 and -1 as follows:

Scale  Result

+ 1  Maximum satisfaction

0.5  More satisfied than dissatisfied 0  Undefined and contradictory

- 0.5  satisfied

-1  Maximum dissatisfaction Group satisfaction is calculated by the following formula:

A (+1)+ B (+0.5) + C (0) + D (-5)+ E (-1)



In this formula A, B, C, D, E represent the number of subjects with individual index and

where N represents the total number of subjects in the group.

The group index shows values between + 1 and - 1. Values between - 1 and - 0.5 indicate dissatisfaction; those between - 0.49 and + 0.49 show a contradiction and those that are between 0.5 and 1 indicate that there is satisfaction.

Results and Discussion

Interview results

100% of the interviewees do not have a document that specifies the characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100-m flat runner, since in the existing ones characterizes the competitive activity of speed races in general, in the same way they refer that it is necessary to know them to perfect the phases of the race in this test, as it constitutes a guide for the selection of the determining factors in the preparation of these athletes. Results  of  the  survey:  100%  refer  to  the  same  problem  raised  by  the  interviewed methodologists and add that they would like to have a didactic material whose content is related to the characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100-m flat runner.

One of the most followed criteria to analyze what should be considered by conception, is the one that considers it as a system of ideas, concepts and representations about one aspect of reality or all of it, ranging from general philosophical to natural scientific ( Valle, 2007). Taking into account the objectives of this work, the model of this author was assumed for the elaboration of a conception that consists of the following steps:

   Elaboration of the theoretical foundations of the conception that should support the new point of view that is assumed.

   Fundamentation  and  definition  of  the  new  categories  that  should  support  the conception.

   Characterization of the points that within the theory must be changed.

These steps led to the selection of the following contents that group the demands of this activity:

  Physiological characteristics of the competitive activity of sprinting.

  Metabolic systems for obtaining energy.

  Anthropometric characteristics demanded by the competitive activity of the sprinter.

  Psychological characterization of competitive activity.

  Determining physical abilities in the technical gesture of the race.

Results of the elaboration of the characteristics of the competitive activity in the 100- meter flat test.

Metabolic systems for obtaining energy.

The 100 flat meters of Athletics is a speed race test in which various physiological parameters participate, mainly anaerobic, and which will be analyzed below (Guillamón and Saorín, 2014).

To  perform  any  mechanical  work,  the  muscle  needs  the  presence  of  adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for muscle contraction. The replacement of ATP for muscular work is  carried  out  by  a  macro-energy  compound  stored  in  the  muscle,  called  creatine phosphate (PC), which is in equilibrium with ATP in concentrations 5-6 times greater than this. The enzymatic activity will be transcendental in the competition of the 100 flat meters, where ATP and PC can be considered non-aerobic sources, since they do not need oxygen for their use.

In  situations  of  maximum  and  short-term  exercise,  such  as  the  100-flat  meter competition in Athletics, it is impossible for the use of oxidative pathways to occur, as mentioned above, a circumstance that requires the use of high energy compounds

In speed tests, specifically in the 100 flat meter sprint, it has been described that the exhaustion of the anaerobic alactacid pathway can occur in a margin of approximately 7-10 seconds, which is almost the same time of duration of the race depending on the athletes´ level in the 100 meters flat run. (Badtcke, 1987, cited by Mc Ardle, Match and Katch, 2004).

Physiological characteristics in the 100 meter flat test

The cardiac output (Q) during the test will require a considerable energy demand that will  set  in  motion  a  series  of  mechanisms  to  adjust  the  cardiac  output  to  the  new situation. At the start of the test, systolic volume records of around 210-215 ml per beat are produced, which can yield heart rate (HR) values of 195-200 beats / minute. These data assume cardiac output values of around 20-22 liters of blood per minute.

The respiratory response is also very important in the 100-meter test, since it involves a mainly anaerobic effort, as described above, and although the involvement of oxygen in this activity is not so important during the race, it is necessary do not underestimate the implication of respiratory responses before and after the test itself.

In short, the improvement of aerobic parameters is of interest in working with sprinters to be able to face loads in competition or training of high anaerobic demand. This improvement will only occur through proper individualization of training. Anthropometric characteristics demanded by the competitive activity of the 100- meters flat test.

There is no height limitation in a sprinter, although statistics have shown that the great specialists in track speed measure between 1.65 and 1.90 meters. The technicians agree that excess height is more of an impediment than lack of physical size when it comes to forming a great sprinter.

However, if the speed depends on the length and frequency of the steps and the first in turn on the length  of the limbs  among other factors, the success  of a sprinter in  a competition will also be conditioned by an adequate height.

The sprinter must also be a harmonious athlete who has to be at his right weight. It must be taken into account that sprinters eliminate fats very badly and therefore they must take extreme precautions when it comes to finding a healthy and balanced diet. The specialists in 100 flat meters are those with the lowest percentage of fat in their body, which is favorable for success in competitions (Salas, 2009).

The maximum force a muscle can generate is proportional to its cross-sectional area - the  larger  the  area  the  greater  the  maximum  force  it  can  produce,  not  surprisingly sprinters are very muscular. However, improper use of weight and strength training can cause a loss of fluidity of movement and elasticity, which is unproductive in a speed competition (intermuscular coordination).

Psychological characteristics required by competitive activity in the 100-meter flat  The 100 flat meters start requires the athlete to be dynamic, active both in training and in competitions; the start requires agility and strong movements of the legs and arms, as well as reaction speed (Beltrán and Milan 2020).

Lability has a special importance in this ability, since this property is manifested when the subject knows in advance the stimulus to which he must react.

Also  in  this  activity  it  is  required  that  the  sprinter  be  agile  motor,  due  to  the characteristics of this modality where motor skills predominate, fast force, explosive force, among others, they must apply these capacities at the time of starting (Beltrán and Milan 2020).

In a 100 flat meters sprint race, the athlete is the classic athlete who makes the coach nervous; he is outgoing, unstable in his mood, does not accept frustrations easily and is impulsive, especially in competitions.

In a 100 flat meters competition, psychological barriers may arise as a consequence of traumatic situations, frustrations or failures, which inhibit the athlete's efforts to achieve their goals and deserve specific treatment for their eradication.

In this career, part of these internal difficulties is the negative psychological state, fear of competition, feelings of physical insufficiency, poor technical level, poor tactical knowledge.

An  important  role  in  a 100  flat-meters  race  is  played  by  the  athlete's  own  type  of temperament, which to some extent conditions the characteristics of their activities in training  and  competitions,  such  as  psychomotor  performance,  work  rate,  quality, resistance to fatigue, among others (Beltrán and Milan, 2020).

When evaluating the psychological component of the preparation of sprinters, it should be  noted  that  a  wide  group  of  contents  from  the  psychic  sphere  are  committed  to performance during training and competition, which responds to the physical, technical, tactical and psychological demands. This constitutes the sustenance of the formation of

an optimal state of psychological disposition for the successful confrontation with the challenges presented in the form of obstacles and difficulties (Rios and Tejeda, 2016). The set of muscle-motor sensations when executing the technical phases in a 100-m flat race, play their role in the development of the general ability to direct the body when fulfilling the most varied motor tasks and constitute the basis of the correct coordination of  movements,  observance  of  the  correspondence  between  the  initial  position,  the activity of the neuromuscular apparatus, the degree of resistance of the environment and the character of the movements and actions.

The visual perceptions of the successive substitution of the surrounding images and objects also help to determine the speed of movement and the correct execution of the movement  in  space.  The  dynamics  and  sudden  changes  of  positions  require  the improvement of the sensations of balance, which allow the athletes to adapt and temper themselves to these demands (Ríos and Tejeda, 2016).

An important aspect in the 100 flat meters sprint race is volitional development. The fight to achieve victory requires the sprinter to overcome his weaknesses, hesitations, lack of courage and audacity, but this requires a high development of decision, courage, initiative, independence, perseverance, self-control and other qualities. that determine the successful development in sports preparation.

Physical condition that competitive activity demands in the 100-meter flat event. The effectiveness of sprinter training depends, to a large extent, on the appropriate use of loads related to physical capacity endurance and their derived capacities, namely resistance to force, special resistance and resistance to speed. It can be considered that in  sprinting  races,  despite  presenting  a  minimal  energy  consumption  achieved  by aerobic route, the result depends fundamentally on the correct development of resistance since this serves as a basis for higher intensity workouts, allowing greater and faster recovery of the muscle groups involved in the activity (Ramos, 2011).

Maximum power work is the most characteristic for short sprints (up to 20 seconds). To overcome this distance with a speed limit, the energy possibilities must be exploited in those seconds. As a result, a large oxygen debt is created, the products of exchange accumulate rapidly in the muscles and an intense progression of fatigue of the muscles is observed, resulting in a decrease in speed.

Consequently, endurance in short sprinting is ensured primarily by the lactic anaerobic capabilities  of  the  athlete's  body.  Endurance  in  short  sprinting  depends  on  the improvement  of  the  corresponding  cortical  processes  and  the  activity  of  the neuromuscular apparatus, by increasing the effectiveness of biochemical processes in the muscles and a better use of reserve oxygen.

In such conditions, training should be performed to improve and refine all components of endurance. For this reason, the movements with maximum speeds or close to them constitute the base of the education of the special resistance in the races of short speed. To educate speed resistance with an intensity close to the limit, it is very important that the improvement of the anaerobic possibilities of the organism is carried out in a similar way to the competition with 100 or 95% intensity.

In  the  endurance  education  process,  the  dynamics  of  speed  changes  in  relation  to increasing fatigue must be taken into account. It is that the anaerobic productivity of the organism unfolds following a certain sequence. Investigations carried out show that in the first 3 · 8 seconds of maximum intensity work, the creatine phosphate mechanism (alactacid resistance) acts and, later, that of glycolysis (alactacid resistance).

The speed of translation (running) takes into account the amplitude of the stride, the frequency with which the impulse is made, and the resistance to speed or the ability to maintain maximum speed for as long as possible.

Reaction speed is determined by the shortest time that elapses between the application of a stimulus to obtaining a motor response. Taking into account these factors, it is necessary to define the requirements that speed as a sporting modality demands of an athlete, in order to compare the correspondence of individual characteristics with these requirements.

Therefore,  a  large  part  of  sports  performance  can  be  achieved  today  with  greater rapidity of movements, meaning that this is becoming increasingly important in today's contemporary sport, so it is considered necessary to address the different conceptions and positions of authors on fast and speed.

Fast  and  speed  are  different  characteristics  of  the  motor  functions  of  man.  The individual characteristics of rapidity in all its forms of manifestation are conditioned by genetic factors and, therefore, the possibility of developing them is limited.

The speed of movements or displacements in space is a function of fast, strength and endurance, but  also  of the athlete's ability to  rationally coordinate their movements according to the external conditions in which the motor tasks are carried. 

Unlike speed, the possibilities for improving movement speed are limitless.

 Speed is not a pure physical capacity but a mixed one, between psychic, cognitive, coordinative and conditional since it largely contains psychic and neural aspects, in addition to energetic ones, which justifies its denomination as conditional.

Taking into account the aforementioned, it is agreed that the qualities of speed are characterized by the ability of man to perform motor actions in the shortest possible time under given conditions, without denying the influence of the environment for their development, as a determining element.

Phases of the sprint race

These phases are not always uniform and vary depending on internal factors such as motivation,  technique  or  physical  condition,  and  external  factors  such  as  wind, temperature and type of track. Therefore, the duration of each of these phases varies between and within the subject.

Stride phases

The stride is the default motor action in sprinting and it is important to understand what parts it is composed of (Bergamini, 2011). The stride is the action between the supports of both legs and is composed of two phases: support and suspension.

The  support  phase  can  in  turn  be  divided  into  three  sub-phases,  depending  on  the position of the center of gravity (point where the forces applied by gravity on its parts produce a zero moment)

  Cushioning: in this phase the center of gravity is located behind the support to mitigate the impact. It is considered that there is a moment of braking, but some athletes are able to transform it into positive energy thanks to a good technique.

  Support:  the  center  of  gravity  is  vertical  to  the  support,  it  is  a  very  short  and transitional phase in which the main work goes from the flexor muscles to the extensors.

  Drive:  starts  when  the  center  of  gravity  exceeds  the  support.  This  phase  is  very important because it is  the forward and upward push by action of the leg extensor muscles.

Acceleration: within this phase there are two sections:

First, an initial acceleration phase during the first 20 m. In it there is a large increase in speed as a result of the high increase in amplitude and frequency. During the other 10 meters, there are increases of speed of up to 70% (3.88 m / s), of frequency of 20% (4.40 Hz) and of amplitude of 43% (192 cm). From 20 to 40 m there is an extended acceleration phase, where the speed increases by 49% (~ 7.56 m / s), and the amplitude reaches 2.49 m. In this phase, the high speed is produced by the large increase in the stride width experienced by the athlete, which makes it possible to lengthen the flight phase, which is where the movement occurs faster.

Criterion of the users

When  evaluating  the  group  satisfaction  of  the  users  on  the  characteristics  of  the competitive activity in the 100-m flat race, the satisfaction that they experience with the proposal was verified, due to the fact that an index of 0.95 close to 1 is achieved, which indicates that there is a great satisfaction and they also express that there is a need, utility and relevance of this characterization of the competitive activity of the 100-m flat race for the work of the coaches.


As a result of the assumed theoretical  conception, it was possible to  determine the characteristics of the competitive activity of the 100 m flat test, all of which was valued as  necessary  and  pertinent  by  the  users  of  this  specialty,  who  also  express  high satisfaction.

Users  express  high  satisfaction  with  the  proposed  characteristics  of  the  competitive activity of the 100m  sprint  race, as it responds  to  a need for coaches  to  guide the preparation of sprinters in the improvement of racing technique.


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