Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas  Ciencia y Actividad Física Facultad de Cultura Física  Vol. 7, No. 1, Mes enero-junio, 2020 http://revistaciaf.uclv.edu.cu Pág. 48-59


Tipo de artículo: Artículo original Recibido: 25/01/2020

Aceptado: 28/05/2020

Programa de actividades de recreación física para     adolescentes del municipio Encrucijada. Una necesidad insoslayable

Physical recreation activities program for adolescents of Encrucijada municipality. An unavoidable need

Liliet Sigler García1*, Ana Odalis Ruano Anoceto2 , Daniela Milagros Palacio Gonzalez3

1 Dirección Municipal de Deportes. Camajuaní, Cuba. Orcid 0000-0001-9881-478x

2 Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Cultura Física, Cuba. Orcid 0000-0002-5163- 8560 

2 Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Cultura Física, Cuba. Orcid 0000-0002-3708- 2578

* Autor para correspondencia: liliets@nauta.cu


Tomando como partida un diagnóstico realizado en las circunscripciones 31 y 50 del consejo popular Encrucijada Norte, municipio Encrucijada, se pudo determinar que son escasas las ofertas recreativas que  se  realizan  para  los  adolescentes  de  12  a  15  años  de  edad  que  permitan  incrementar  la participación de los mismos en las actividades recreativas y de carácter deportivo; por lo que en el presente trabajo el objetivo es diseñar un Programa de actividades de recreación – física para los adolescentes de 12 a 15 años de edad del Consejo Popular Encrucijada Norte, para dar solución a dicha  situación  problémica.  Los  métodos  empleados  fueron  análisis  documental,  observación, entrevista,  encuesta,  pre-experimento,  criterio  de  usuarios,  del  nivel  matemático    estadístico  se utilizó la distribución empírica de frecuencias, prueba de hipótesis para organizar, procesar y valorar los resultados obtenidos, así como técnicas que permitieron la solución del problema planteado. Con la puesta en práctica del Programa se erradicaron las insuficiencias existentes en cuanto al bajo nivel en la participación de los adolescentes en las mismas. Todo lo anterior propició y estimuló el empleo correcto, racional y saludable del tiempo libre.

Palabras clave: actividades, recreación, física, adolescentes, participación Abstract 

Taking  as a starting point a diagnosis made in constituencies 31 and 50 of  Encrucijada Norte popular council, Encrucijada municipality, it was determined that there are few recreational offers for adolescents between 12 and 15 years of age that allow them to increase their participation. in recreational  and  sports  activities;  reason  why  in  the  present  work  the  objective  is  to  design  a program of recreational activities - physical for the adolescents from 12 to 15 years of age of the Popular Council North Crossroads, to give solution to this problem situation. The methods used were  documentary  analysis,  observation,  interview,  survey,  pre-experiment,  user  criteria,  the mathematical-statistical level, the empirical distribution of frequencies, hypothesis testing was used to organize process and evaluate the results obtained, as well as techniques that allowed the solution of the problem posed. With the implementation of the Program, the existing insufficiencies regarding the low level in the participation of adolescents were erradicated. All of the above encouraged and stimulated the correct, rational and healthy use of free time.

Keywords: activities, recreation, physics, adolescents, participation


Recreation as an element of man's culture must be treated with a significant level in the process of personality formation. Physical recreation and its dissimilar activities have a great impact on people's lives, which is why they need proper organization and control in their development.

Ziperovich (2007) states that the development of recreation has been linked and interrelated with other  disciplines  and  areas  such  as:  educational,  psychological,  environmental,  sociocultural, communicative, among others, which are enriching each other, which develops the growth of all the foundations  and  in  turn  contributes  to  the  enrichment  of  the  proposals  for  physical  recreation activities.

In this sense, the aforementioned author Ziperovich (2007) states that:

“Recreation has crossed the line of being a simple leisure activity, to progressively become a field of study and practices with its own identity, becoming an instrument of human development and quality of life, with important cultural, educational and social posibilities” (p. 5).

The authors of the present study consider that there is a need for recreational physical activities, organized by responsible entities that contribute to transforming the free time of adolescents into a pleasant space, not only for fun and entertainment, but also for physical and spiritual enrichment.  Sosa  (2015)  assures  that  the  current  recreational  models  present  tendencies  to  passivity  and consumerism, leaving aside the role that as social actor man must assume in the use of free time, to guarantee a recreation understood as full enjoyment of the human capabilities. The leading role and especially that of a physical nature is increasingly a pressing need of human beings.

In this way, Perez (2002) states:

"One of the main cornerstones of physical recreation is to revive a certain number of educational values  such  as:  seeking  social  communication,  having  fun  through  play  and  sport,  stimulating activity, seeking co-education and team spirit, sports solidarity, respect for colleagues, opponents, games, etc. " (p.18)

Recently, various investigations have been carried out around recreation in all settings, by analyzing the scope of these researchers it has been possible to  determine their main contributions to the Sciences of Physical Culture, among which Sosa (2015) stands out, who performs a study of the management of recreational processes from the Center for the Study of Free Time and Recreation in Villa Clara, mainly focusing on the study of the time budget of the different age groups of the population of this territory. 

On  the  other  hand,  Pérez  (2002)  addresses  the  environmental  training  process  through  the relationship between physical culture and environmental culture, taking advantage of the educational potential of physical and sports activity to raise the quality of life. However, in its research it does not  address  the  potential  of  recreation  as  a  socio-cultural  phenomenon  and  for  the  integral development of human beings.

Also  related  to  this  topic  Rodríguez,  and  Rodríguez  (2017)  designed  a  methodology  for  the evaluation process in the Physical Recreation discipline of the degree in Physical Culture but they only focused on this edge and did not address the one related to recreational activities from or for the community.

It is also seen in the research of Sanz (2018) that carries out an investigation in relation to the linkage of disability to tourist physical-recreational activities in Villa Clara is also appreciated, addressing the problem only in tourist areas or zones.

Through the exchange with the inhabitants of constituencies 31 and 50 of the Encrucijada Norte popular council and the experience of working in the community, as an official of the researcher's Union of Young Communists (UJC), it was possible to  obtain an overview of the environment community  and  thus  verify  the  scarce  recreational  offer,  which  does  not  satisfy  the  tastes  and preferences mainly of adolescents from 12 to 15 years of age.

Likewise, it has been possible to verify the great recreational needs of adolescents and their low role in their implementation, mainly due to the scarcity of areas and facilities for such purposes, as well as the poor programming and dissemination of the few activities that are made.

Based  on  the  foregoing,  this  research  is  aimed at  designing  a  program  of recreation  -  physical activities for adolescents from 12 to 15 years of age from the popular council of Encrucijada Norte; with the aim of contributing to the strengthening of their organism, their physical, intellectual and educational development in general, as well as keeping them fit for activities that they have to carry out during life.

The importance of the study lies in that it encourages and stimulates the correct, rational and healthy use of free time by adolescents and their participation in physical recreation activities that correspond to their tastes and preferences.

Materials and methods

The  research  work  is  carried  out  in  constituencies  31  and  50  of  the  Encrucijada  Norte  popular council, Encrucijada Municipality, with a population of 59 adolescents between the ages of 12 -15 years. Of this population, its ethnic composition is mixed, that is, there is no predominance of one race over the other, its physical development is in correspondence with age, as well as its state of health and personal hygiene, 26 are of the female sex representing the 44. 07% and 33 are male for 55.93%, of them, 18 (30.51%) are from divorced parents and 59 study for 100%.

Another population made up of seven key informants, including two promoters of the sports team, a popular council president, four activists (individuals who have some training, made up of promoters who carry out activities jointly), two women and two men who carry out different activities on different dates commemorative in the popular council, and to which instruments were applied both in the diagnostic phase and in the evaluation of the recreation - physical Program. 

Methods used

Analysis of documents: in order to verify the treatment given to physical-recreational activities in the popular council based on the regulations of the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (Inder), the following were analyzed:

         Director program for the reinforcement of values in the Cuban sports system.

         Documents from the Inder and the National Recreation Directorate.

         Recreational activities planned for the popular council North Encrucijada

         Work plan of the promoters of the Encrucijada sports complex.

         Inder Massiveness Manual.

Observation:  it  was  used  in  the  recreational  physical  activities  offered  and  organized  by  the different actors involved in the community under study, with the aim of verifying a series of aspects related to planning and carrying them out, five observations were made by the researcher, three before applying the Recreation - Physics Program and two after applying this Program.

Interviews:  They  are  applied  to  promoters  to  know  the  means  available  to  apply  physical recreational  activities, as well as the willingness and activities to be included to develop  in the community.

Surveys:  they  were  applied  to  adolescents  from  12  to  15  years  old  to  know  their  opinions, knowledge, expectations regarding recreational physical activities, likes, preferences, schedule for the development of activities, as well as the amount of free time with which they counted for their development.

Pre - experiment: It was used to assess the effectiveness of the Recreation - Physics Program to increase the participation of adolescents from 12 to 15 years old; it is applied in two moments of the research.

User criteria: It was used through a questionnaire. Considering the criteria of Fleitas, Mesa and Guardo (2013) of which user is the direct beneficiary of the scientific product on which criteria are requested,  seven  members  of  the  community  were  surveyed,  who  are  leaders  by  different characteristics and responsibilities, to know their opinions about the proposal. 

Results and Discussion

The main regularities of the diagnosis applied in constituencies 31 and 50 of the popular council Encrucijada Norte are:

         Poor recreational offers, do not correspond to the tastes and preferences of adolescents.

         Not all activities are well coordinated as there is no provision for who can participate actively or as an spectator.

         The systematicity regarding the participation in recreational activities by the population does not correspond to the free time that it really have.

         Insufficient disclosure of physical recreational activities.

         There is no facilities for practicing physical-recreational activities.

A minimal control design or also called a pre-experiment was used in this investigation. This is characterized by the following:

         We only work with the experimental group applying a pretest and posttest, in this case the results of the surveys and observations were considered.

         The dependent variable is measured before and after manipulating the independent variable to assess the magnitude of the changes, if they occur.

The experiment allows empirical testing of the following hypothesis:

The  application  of  the  Recreation  -  Physics  Program  to  adolescents  from  12  to  15  years  old, attending to their needs, tastes and preferences, will allow them to increase their participation in the physical and recreational activities of the community.

Recreation- Physics Program for adolescents from 12 to 15 years of age from constituencies 31 and 50 of the popular council Encrucijada Norte

  1. General Objective

Increase the participation of adolescents from 12 to 15 years of age from constituencies 31 and 50 of the Encrucijada Norte popular council, Encrucijada municipality, in physical-recreational activities.

  1. Overview of the program

The Program is aimed at satisfying recreational needs and increasing the participation of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 15 in constituencies 31 and 50 of  Encrucijada Norte popular council, Encrucijada  municipality,  involving  them  in  a  participatory  and  collective  way;  reinforcing  the formative  character  of  adolescents,  improving  their  quality  of  life.  It  induces  the  search  for information, integrating into the community. It leaves open the entrance of initiatives that favor the spontaneity and creativity of the participants.

  1. Foundation

The Recreation - Physics Program is carried out to increase the participation and to occupy in a healthy way the free time of the adolescents from 12 to 15 years of the constituencies 31 and 50 of the  popular  council  North  Encrucijada,  municipality  Encrucijada;  promoting  the  practice  of recreational programming activities from its application, aimed at raising the level of recreational satisfaction and that is available to adolescents in these constituencies.

The theoretical methodological foundation of the Recreation - Physics Program is the theory about the Physical recreation and Psychology, and has the purpose of improving the offers of recreational activities in free time, thus guaranteeing the prevention of antisocial behaviors and habits.

         Of  recreation  when  considering  it  as  a  set  of  activities  with  a  physical  -  sports,  tourist  or therapeutic content, to which man dedicates himself voluntarily in his free time, for active rest, fun and individual development, taking up Pérez's criteria (2002).

         Understanding that it is not a simple recreational activity, but a field of study and practices with its  own  identity,  becoming  an  instrument  of  human  development  and  quality  of  life,  with important cultural, educational and social possibilities, being consistent with Ziperovich (2007).

         Fundamentals  of  Psychology  when  considering  the  motivational  sphere  of  man,  an  essential aspect  for  the  development  of  personality,  distinguishing  his  needs  and motives,  so  that  his activity is caused by motivation, agreeing with Vigoski (1988).

Tabla 1. Programa de Recreación









Recreational and Sports Festival 


9:00 am

2nd North Street, Final

Professor  Promoters


Dancing. Current popular music, mobility overall


3:00 pm

4th North Street, Final

Professor  Promoters.


Visit to historical places. (walkings)

First Sunday

2:00 pm

Previwed Destiny



PRE sporting and popular games



5:00 pm

6th North Street, Final

Promoter Professor 


Table games


3:00 pm

2nd North Street, Final

Promoter Professor


Tradicional Games Festival

3rd Sunday

9:00 am

6th Noth Street, Final

Promoter Professor 


Recreational Volleyball 

Last Sunday of the month

8:00 am

Rustic, 4th North Street, Final

Promoter Professor


Street Plan 

Last Friday of the month 


4:00 pm

2nd North Street, Final

Promoter Recreational helpers


Plastic art activities (Murals)

Every three month Wednsdays


4:00 pm

10th y 12nd South Street

Promoter Professor 


Beach festivals 

Second Sunday


9:00 am

Nazabal Beach

Promoter Professor


Recreational kickingball



4:00 pm

4th North Street, Final

Promoter Professor


Recreational Football



4:00 pm

4th North Street, Final

Promoter Professor 

For the implementation of this Recreation - Physics Program, adequate coordination and support from  the promoters and the popular council is necessary when coordinating  the activities to  be carried out in each case (type of activities, dates, time, place and responsible), the disclosure of the same is carried out, for this several  channels can be used such as:  murals, informative posters, promotional billboard, and municipal radio station in its different sports programs and for young people.

  1. Resources

For the application of the program it is necessary to secure material and human resources, such as:

         Inder collaboration.

         Collaboration of all the mass organizations of the community.

         Balls, balls, net, bats, adequate spaces.

Human resources: The program consists of planned activities inside and outside the community, which requires the participation of people trained in recreation, first aid, and the national police, among others, to guarantee its proper development.

It was submitted to user criteria and the results are shown below. User criteria

To issue the evaluation of the Recreation - Physical activities proposed for the constituencies 31 and 50 of the Encrucijada Norte popular council, Encrucijada municipality, seven users were selected, directorate people from the community.

  1. 100% of the users agreed that they have a high level of satisfaction with the proposed activities, since up to now they have not been carried out in their constituencies, recreational activities that meet the recreational needs of teenagers of 12-15 years.
  2. 100% of users consider Recreation - Physical activities appropriate for constituencies 31 and 50 of the popular council Encrucijada Norte, municipality Encrucijada with the aim of increasing the participation of adolescents between 12 and 15 years of age in activities of physical recreation.
  3. 100% of users acknowledge that the proposal of Recreation  - Physical activities designed to increase the participation of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 15 of the constituencies 31 and 50 of the popular council North Encrucijada, Encrucijada municipality  is inclusive, varied and feasible., 
  1. 100% of users believe that the approval and implementation of Recreation - Physical activities is opportune to increase the participation of adolescents between 12 and 15 years  of age from constituencies 31 and 50 of the popular council North Encrucijada, Encrucijada municipality.

The results after applying the Recreation Program - Physics, from the comparison of both moments are presented below:

It was verified by means of the statistic X2, that all the indicators of the observation, survey and interview changed significantly in favor of the after, which clearly shows that the application of these physical recreation activities has been favorable and that it favored the participation of adolescents in it.


The diagnosis of the current situation in the constituencies 31 and 50 of the popular council North Encrucijada, Encrucijada municipality revealed that physical recreation activities were insufficient, the few activities that are carried out do  not start  from  taste and preference of adolescents, the required disclosure is not given, so they do not participate.

The Recreation - Physics Program was structured based on the theoretical background and the results of  the  diagnosis  that  includes  the  elements  established  by  the  methodology  of  recreational programming,  objectives,  activities,  means,  scenarios,  timing,  and  is  aimed  to  increase  the participation of teenagers in recreational activities.

The evaluation of the Recreation - Physical Program through the criteria of users, demonstrated their quality and feasibility by being in the main preferences of the adolescents investigated, fulfilling their expectations, achieving their leading participation in the activities.


Fleitas, Mesa and Guardo (2013). The criteria of users. EFDeportes.com, Digital Magazine. Buenos

Aires, Year 18, No. 179, April 2013. http://www.efdeportes.com/.

Pérez, A. (2002): Free time and recreation and its relationship with quality of life and individual

development., Havana, Cuba: Editorial Pueblo y Educación

Rodríguez, U., Domínguez A., Rodríguez, M. (2017). Methodology for the Evaluation Process in the

Physical Recreation Discipline of the Degree in Physical Culture. ciaf magazine, Volume 4 No. 1.

Sanz, M. Y. (2018). Disability to tourist physical-recreational activities in Villa Clara. Magazine

Science and Physical Activity. Volume 5 No. 2.

Sosa, D. A. (2015). Management of the physical-recreational processes from the CETiLReF, the Physical Recreation Discipline and the Physical Recreation Department of the INDER of Villa Clara. "II National Workshop, Physical Activity and Local Development". Master Conference. S. Spíritus (.8-13) -04-2015.

Vigoski, L.S (1988). Works Complete, T5. Editorial: People and Education of Havana.

Ziperovich (2007). Difference between Leisure, Free Time and Recreation. Preliminary guidelines

for the study  of recreation. In. www.funlibre.org/documentacion.htm Accessed October 05, 2016.