Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas  Ciencia y Actividad Física Facultad de Cultura Física  Vol. 7, No. 1, Mes enero-junio, 2020 http://revistaciaf.uclv.edu.cu Pág. 30-47


Tipo de artículo: Artículo original Recibido: 26/02/2020

Aceptado: 14/05/2020

El desentrenamiento deportivo en atletas jóvenes del

Atletismo de alto rendimiento en Villa Clara

Sports detraining in young athletes of High Athletics

Performance in Villa Clara 

Sixta Marta Hernández Castellanos1*, Elisa Olmos Garcias2, Jorge Luis Frómeta Matos3, Milan Piperski4 

1 Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, Cuba. Orcid 0000-0001-9777-9759 2 Dirección Municipal de Deportes. Camajuaní, Cuba. Orcid 0000-0003-4159-7010

3 Entrenador del Equipo Nacional de Boxeo, Serbia. Orcid 0000-0003-1805-5731 

4 Entrenador del Equipo Nacional de Boxeo, Serbia. Orcid 0000-0003-3043-2165 * Autor para correspondencia: morabarroso51@gmail.com


La inmensa mayoría de los atletas que se retiran no son conscientes, ni conocen realmente los efectos que pueden provocar la falta del ejercicio físico luego de su retiro del deporte activo. No se constata en investigaciones anteriores a las que se tuvo acceso la selección de actividades, elaboración de macrociclos para el desentrenamiento de atletas jóvenes del atletismo que causan baja de los Centros Provinciales  de  alto  Rendimiento  en  Villa  Clara,  no  se  confirma  la  realización  de  diagnósticos médicos y funcionales como punto de partida en la proyección del desentrenamiento. De ahí que en la  presente  investigación  se  da  respuesta  a  ¿cómo  concebir  actividades  que  garanticen  el desentrenamiento de atletas jóvenes de Atletismo que causaron baja de centros provinciales de alto rendimiento de Villa Clara? Se direcciona la misma a caracterizar el retiro deportivo de estos atletas

y proponer una solución a su desentrenamiento. El objetivo del trabajo es diseñar actividades para la concreción de la individualización del desentrenamiento deportivo en atletas jóvenes del Atletismo que causan baja del alto rendimiento en Villa Clara. Se utilizan diferentes métodos y técnicas de investigación científica como: el analítico sintético, inductivo deductivo, análisis de documentos, entrevista semiestructurada, socialización de ideas, estudio de casos y estadístico- matemáticos, que permiten  seleccionar  adecuadamente  las  actividades  para  el  desentrenamiento  sin  descuidar  su individualización.  El  principal  resultado  es  la  caracterización  del  retiro  deportivo  de  los  atletas jóvenes que causaron baja del alto rendimiento como premisa para la elaboración de las actividades de individualización de su desentrenamiento.

Palabras clave: desentrenamiento, atletismo, retiro deportivo, actividades 


The vast majority of athletes who retire are not aware, and do not really know the effects that a lack of physical exercises can cause after their retirement from the active sport. It is not verified in previous investigations accessed, the selection of activities, the elaboration of macrocycles for the detraining of young athletes of athletics that cause discharge from the Provincial High Performance Centers in Villa Clara, the carrying out of medical and functional diagnoses is not confirmed as a starting point in the projection of detraining. Therefore, in this research, an answer is given to how to  devise  activities  that  guarantee  the  detraining  of  young  Athletics  athletes  that  caused  the discharge from high-performance provincial centers in Villa Clara? It is aimed at: characterizing the  sports  retirement  of  these  athletes  as  a  starting  point  to  validate  the  usefulness  of  the methodological guidelines and to develop activities for the detraining of these athletes who caused disengagement from the provincial centers. Different scientific research methods and techniques are used such as: synthetic analytical, deductive inductive, document analysis, semi-structured interview, socialization of ideas, case studies and statistical-mathematical studies, which allow the activities to be properly selected for detraining without neglecting their individualization. The main results are the  characterization  of  the  sports  retreat  of  these  young  athletes  who  dropped  out  of  the  High Athletics Performance as a starting point for the preparation of activities for the individualization of their training.

Keywords: detraining, athletics, retirement from active sport, activities 


High performance sports try to maintain to the maximum allowed level the capacity of athletics performance by means of an accuracy application of physical charges; to fulfill and to maintain this purpose by a long  periods of time is only possible by means of the significant  adaptations and transformations  in  different  systems,  as  bioadaptative  answers  to  the  high  work  in  the  sports preparation and contests.

In this paper is assumed the structured stated by Matveev 1983 in which three phases with its related stages in sports training are identified, they are:

  1. Basic preparation phase.
  2. Maximun realization of sports possibilities phase.
  3. Sports longevity phase.

Sports longevity phase is organized into two stages, one on the preservation of the achievement reached and the other the maintenance of the general training, in the last one the level of the sports activity must be reduced, to assure a high general activity, the content of the training has a reactive healthy character, the permanent qualities of the organism and of all the values offered by the sports practices of many previous years are tried to be fixed, serving this phase as a joint between sports training and detraining.

As  Morales  (2011)  says  and  it  is  cited  by  Rodriguez  (2018)  the  sports  athletes  that  have  been practicing from scholarship ages to youth have accumulated physical and  psychological charges, that´s why the necessity of reducing these effects in the way they obtain a good health, so it is necessary sports athletes recognize the importance of detraining before their retirement from active sports. 

Frometa and Zamora (2013) considered that the sports athletes must be aware that detraining is a benefit for their organism and for that reason there must be persons prepared to educate them and propose an alternative to a professional overcome for the development of a culture about sports detraining in Santiago de Cuba.

Frometa (2016) designed a Pedagogical strategy for the attention to Sportsmen about detraining; he leads the attention to the insufficient following of the pedagogical attention of the sportsman for detraining and the need to prepare detrainers to guide this process in a correct way. It is seen that there is a lack of actions directly involved with the education of sportsmen to assume the detraining.

Rodriguez (2018) considers the family as another fact of change in sportsmen because it has a great influence over them, so it is considered of great importance in the educative process of the young sportsmen of the EIDE in their detraining. Family should be prepared and know the risks that the abrupt retirement should carry out for them.

Caballero  (2019)  designed  an  Activity  program  for  young  tennis  player  of  Villa  Clara  where activities to  prepare trainers and athletes in  relation  to  sports detraining, are included, activities leaded to the preparation of tennis players, activities about the general work and some elements of the sport  and its techniques, various activities from other sports, with middle intensity aerobic work in first place and minitennis games but taking into consideration duration, dimensions, intensity, work-rest relation and other varieties of the game according to its aim: detraining of tennis players.

Other authors, like Gerardo (2016) focus their attention on the Olympic wrestling of San Carlos, Cojedes and offer a manual to this aim, Gomez (2016) in Mexico also approaches to the theme but in swimming sport, on the other hand (Gomez y Barroso, Sebastião e col y Fernando y col, 2019) deeply  studied  detraining  in  Angolan  sports  and  state  in  practice  the  importance  and  need  of detraining  and  offer  actions  to  prepare  retired  athletes  from  handball,  a  detraining  program  for swimming athletes retired  from active sport. In the case studied in this research the behavior of young athletes is analyzed that cannot be compared to those kept for many years in the sport activity, which not limit the need to detrain.

Here the role of the sport trainer is very important in the preparation of the athletes since the training itself to be conscious of the limited athletes life and the need to submit to detraining programs when their active sports life finishes to shorten the physical charges accumulated during their active sport life from which the real life of the high athletic performance in Villa Clara province cannot run away.  

All the previous statements joint to the poor preparation athletes receive from the sports training itself to face the retirement moment and the sports detraining as well as the lack of information of trainers and directors regarding this theme, keeps alive the need to concrete the individualization of sport detraining in young athletes of high athletics performance in Villa Clara EIDE and answer this question:

How to concrete in the practice the individualization of sport detraining in young athletes that leave the high athletics performance in Villa Clara province?

The objective of this paper is ti design activities to concrete the individualization of sport detraining in young athletes that leave the high athletics performance in Villa Clara province.

It is very important and of great relevance because it makes the characterization of the young athletes retirement from active sports life that leave the high athletics performance in Villa Clara province to elaborate the activities of individualization of their detraining to be really effective.

Materials and methods

Samples under study

The samples were intentionally selected considering the nature of the research, its object of study, and the interests of the researchers, where it is intended, in addition to seeking representativeness, to obtain  information.  A  first  sample  made  up  of  3  Athletics  athletes  who  stopped  being  EIDE registration:  Héctor Ruiz Pérez, during  the 2015-2016 academic year, all of them male with an average age of 16 years. A second sample formed by the coach of these athletes with an average of more than 10 years of experience.

Methods and techniques 

Analytical-synthetic: it allows the description of retirement and detraining in the main elements that compose it, to determine its particularities and through synthesis to discover its relationships and characteristics in the athletes being studied.

Survey: It made it possible to provide data from the perspective of the young retired athletes being studied and the coach in relation to the subject.

The problematization of reality: it is the simultaneous reflection on the relationship between the process and the result, which is carried out taking into account its contextualization. In this research, the  process  is  related  to  the  characterization  of  sports  retirement  in  young  athletes  of  high- performance Athletics of the EIDE of the province of Villa Clara and the result with the design of activities to specify the individualization of their sports training.

The socialization of ideas: in the design of activities to specify the individualization of sports training in high-performance Athletics young athletes in the VC EIDE, which involved table work with the coach, experience and knowledge were exchanged and opinion polls were done to get closer to the activities, to know the usefulness of them.

Mathematical statistics: applied for data processing are: the empirical distribution of frequencies to describe the behavior of variables and indicators in the characterization of sports retirement and detraining of the individuals studied.

Information processing 

Based  on  the  characteristics  of  the  information  collected  through  the  application  of  different methodological instruments, the most appropriate techniques for the processing of information were selected within the mathematical statistical method, using the empirical frequency distribution

This characterization of sports retirement in young athletes of high-performance Athletics in the EIDE of Villa Clara, allows to deep into the causes that provoked their sports retirement and to know how they were in the preparation stage that is analyzed, among other important elements that will serve as a starting point for the design of activities that allow the individualization of detraining in these athletes to be specified as an aspect that directly affects the health and quality of life of these athletes.

Results and Discussion

The method used to characterize the behavior of the indicators in the sports retirement of these athletes  was  the  structured  survey,  in  which  the  information  was  obtained  directly  from  the individuals surveyed.

Survey to characterize the behavior of the indicators of the pedagogical variable in young athletes of Athletics of high performance of the EIDE of Villa Clara.

Analysis and discussion of the results of the pedagogical variable 

Survey of young athletes who ended their active life in high performance athletics with an average of four years dedicated to the practice of this sport, with results at the general provincial level.

Table 1. Question # 1










Table 2. Question # 2












In respect to this question, for the first two athletes, who represent 66.6%, the effect that training caused on their body influenced  in their  decision to  retire from active sports  activity, while the behavior of this indicator in the third athlete did not influence his retirement. In the second question about the level of impairment caused by the effect of training loads, in the first and second athletes the level was high and low for the third athlete.

Table 3. Question # 3



Yes  No



2  1



Table 4. Question # 4



Yes  No



2  1


100% of the interviewed consider that in the final stage of their sports life they did not assimilate the loads in the same way as in previous stages of preparation.

At the time of the sports retirement  in the investigated athletes, the development of their work capacity in two athletes (1 and 3) was at a medium level and in athlete 2 at a low level, the coach took into account recovery time during and after the training sessions, which shows that an adequate work was done in regard with this . In this question, all the athletes answered that they did not assimilate the training loads in the same way as when they achieved their best sports results, this corroborates that from the training itself it should be noted when the athlete is no longer in a position to continue receiving high training loads.

When they were asked about if the results they obtained enabled them to participate in competitions at  other  levels,  100%  consider  that  they  did  not,  since  at  this  level  they  only  participate  in competitions at the national level at the end of the macro cycle training and this was no longer possible. , which make an alert in relation to the retirement of the active life from sports 

In all of the athletes, the determining abilities in their discipline decreased, an indicator that confirms the need of these athletes to retire taking into account that the behavior of these determining abilities largely fixes the sporting result in the discipline practiced. The indicators results of the pedagogical tests and results in competitions tended to decrease in the athletes studied, so they influence their sports retirement, since they did not achieve the expected results in the competitions they participated in,  aspects  that  psychologically  affected  them  in  relation  to  future  efforts  to  continue  in  high performance  sport.  In  this  sense,  it  is  evident  in  these  athletes  that  the  conditions  they  face  to continue in this center were difficult because they considered that the level of the competitions in which they participated was high, however the results they did not demonstrate a high level, despite what had already been stated it should have been treated from the training itself so that they made the decision to retire, which in this case was not carried out by the coaches and it is shown by 100% of the answers. 

In relation to the levels they were required in the competitions, the respondents considered that they were high, which corroborates that the level they had to continue in this sport was lower. When they were asked about the decision to retire, 100% of the

interviewers replied that this was considered by the technical group, in consultation with the athletes involved.

In relation to whether they considered the moment of their sports retirement appropriate, all answers were negative, since they had aspirations in the next school course to do more for sport, by achieving better sports results.

Analysis of the behavior of the indicators of the medical, biological and psychological variable 

Regarding the health status of the athletes under study before retirement, the first two had no injuries, representing 66.6%  and athlete three had a slight injury in  the femoral biceps, which limited him from performing the movements with all the necessary amplitude.

In relation to the different psychological states that these athletes manifested at the time they were made aware of their sports retirement, it was possible to  verify that athlete one and three were depressed, all of them were frustrated without self-control of the situation they were going through, elements that corroborate they were not prepared for their sports retirement within their own training.

In regard with the aspirations of the athletes, it turned out that these were high for athlete three, and averages for one and two, elements that confirm their possibility of continuing to perform in the sport, according to their appreciation. Similar behavior, could be seen in the indicator related to self- esteem. On the other hand, in these athlete’s self-assessment behaved appropriately, this confirms that the indicators of the psychological variable, despite their behavior, did not turn out to be the cause  of their sports retirement, although  it showed the lack of preparation they had  to  assume retirement.

Analysis and discussion of the results of the social variable 

In  relation  to  the  behavior  of  the  indicators  of  the  social  variable,  it  was  found  that  all  the interviewers considered the decision to retire did not depend on their wishes or aspirations, since the coach,  together  with  the  athletics  technical  commission,  decided,  for  pedagogical  reasons,  their  sports retirement.

In the athletes studied, there were no changes in the indicators of the social variable as a limitation to continue their sports life which not affect the sports retirement of these athletes.

In  general,  in  the  athletes  studied,  it  was  observed  that  the  behavior  of  the  indicators  of  the pedagogical variable were those with the greatest weight in their sports retirement, as well as the indicators of the psychological variable, which show that these athletes were not prepared for their retirement sports from the training itself, elements that must be taken into account when selecting activities to specify their detraining. 

Analysis  of  the  behavior  of  the  indicators  of  the  pedagogical  variable  from  the  coaches' perspective 

In general, the coach considered that the high effect of training influence the sports retirement of their athletes, since they did not adapt to the physical loads that were used to in their preparation, behavior that in their opinion constitutes the critical cause to the premature retirement of these young athletes from high-performance athletics.

It confirms that the level of development of work capacity in the athletes studied at the time their sports retirement was decided was at a medium level, behavior that alerted the proximity of the retirement.

Failure to assimilate training loads adequately also had an impact on the sports retirement of these athletes. Another important element was the behavior of their sports results that did not allow them to integrate the teams into the principal competition of this category, the main reason of sports training.

The general guidelines inform the coach if the athlete is in a position to continue the training or if it is the right time to retire from the high performance sport training. The specific ones concrete what to do to individualize sports training in terms of: content, frequency, percentage of work, duration, type and recovery time in sessions and between work sessions, among other elements.

Among them are these:

General methodological guidelines

  1. In the characterization of the sports retirement, the behavior of all the established variables must be  known:  pedagogical,  medical,  biological,  psychological,  social  and  economic  so  that  the essence of the retire is known and the detraining is correctly oriented.
  2. Once the athlete, with the help of the technical team (coach, athlete, doctor, sports psychologist and sometimes the National Sports Commission) decides to retire from high-performance sport, sports detraining should be carried out immediately, if it is possible, to be effective. 
  3. If  the  trend  in  the  behavior  of  the  variables:  pedagogical,  medical-biological,  psychological, social and economic, is negative, they report the need for sports retire, if there are no changes in these variables, the athlete is in a position to continue with the sports preparation.
  4. The behavior of the pedagogical and medical-biological variables regulate the individualization of sports detraining.
  1. The behavior of the pedagogical and medical-biological variables regulate the individualization of sports detraining.
  2. If the medical-biological variable presents alterations, the medical indications for the orientation and planning of the training should be taken into account whenever possible or, the insertion of the athlete in Physical Culture Programs.
  3. When alterations in the psychological variable are manifested, psychological attention should be reinforced within the planning of the detraining.
  4. In the athletes that present affectations of the social and economic variables, the individualization of the detraining should be projected taking into account the information that the pedagogical variable provides.

Specific methodological guidelines for the individualization of detraining  

  1. Athletes  who  show  alterations  in  recovery  should  be  given  more  time  to  recover  between exercises and work sessions, in relation to those who do not present alterations in this indicator.
  2. If fatigue is frequent, the work percentages should be lowered, the work frequency should be less, as well as the duration of the work sessions. 
  3. If the assimilation of the loads is not adequate, the volume and intensity of the loads should be decreased, a longer recovery time should be planned, the frequency of the work sessions and their duration should be reduced.
  4. If the technical skills show alterations in the indexes: coordination, economy, efficiency and fluency  of  movements,  general  exercises  should  be  promoted  during  detraining.  If  specific exercises are used, they must have little complexity and little technical demands. The volumes and intensity of the work should be medium and low.
  5. If  the  demands  of  the  discipline  practiced  show  alterations  in  their  indexes:  energy  power, technical demands and necessary capacities, anaerobic exercises should be worked out and lower the level of the discipline's demands (in relation to repetitions, distance, intensity work, weight of the implements, height, among other elements). In the capacity work, percentages, volumes and intensities should be  gradually lowered.
  1. If there are alterations in the requirements demanded by the discipline in relation to the energy power capacity and motor capacities of the athlete, the level should be maintained or gradually reduced in correspondence with the age and level reached. If there are alterations in the technical domain,  the  volumes  of  technical  work  should  be  reduced  and  the general work of medium and low intensity, reinforced.
  2. The general work of medium and low intensity, reinforced.
  3. It is essential that the coach take into account medical guidelines when establishing strategies for detraining in the case of those athletes who present alterations in their state of health and in the functioning of the body's systems.  

In the individual studied, the characterization of the economic variable did not proceed since, due to their age, they do not sustain themselves economically and in the case of families with few economic resources, the fact that their children are inmates alleviates this situation since they are fed, sports clothes, school uniforms, footwear for sports and teaching, and personal hygiene are given to the them free. As part of the methodological orientation number 1, in this work it is intended to complete the second orientation through the characterization of the sports retirement itself  and the design of activities that allow the individualization of their sports training to be specified.

In these athletes, due to the time they spent practicing the sport and the level reached, fatigue was frequent, so the percentages of work should be lowered (50 to 60%), taking into account that the activities that should prevail in sports detraining should be of medium and moderate intensity, if you want to reduce the loads accumulated during sports training and the frequency of work should be less (2 to 3 times per week) as well as the duration of training sessions ( 50 to 60% of the total time dedicated to this purpose).

When these athletes present difficulties with the assimilation of the loads, their volume and intensity should be decreased, a longer recovery time should be planned, the frequency of the work sessions and their duration should be reduced, information that provided the characterization of their sports retirement .

With these athletes when planning activities for their detraining, since they do not present difficulties with the technical demands of the discipline practiced, exercises for general physical development and to a lesser extent specific exercises for the sport practiced can be used. The general work of medium and low intensity should prevail, attending to the level reached by these athletes. In the case of athlete three, when planning activities for the detraining, due to the injury presented in the arm, medical attention should be given to the athlete and the corresponding attention through specific activities to rehabilitate this injury.

As it could be verified, the general methodological guidelines show the coach if the athlete is in a position  to  continue  with  his  preparation  or  the  need  for  sports  retirement,  in  the  case  of  the individual studied the behavior of the indicators of the pedagogical variable informs the coach that these  athletes  were  in  a  position  to  retire.  On  the  other  hand,  the  specific  guidelines  allow  the information  provided by the characterization of the  sports retreat  to  be used, in  the appropriate selection of activities, frequencies, percentages and duration of work, forms of recovery in sessions and between work sessions, among other important elements that  specify the individualization of sports training  and that  must  be taken into account  when preparing the activities to  specify the individualization of sports training, taking into account their particularities and those of the sport practiced, also take into consideration some preferences of activities for which they feel affinity. In this sense, the work was organized in two workshops; in the first place the possible activities to be carried out by the athletes, while in the second workshop they were adapted to the information provided by the characterization of their sports retreat.

As a result of the first workshop, the activities analyzed were:

         Cross country races.

         General physical development exercises (jumps,throws, runs of different distances, routes). 

         Specific exercises of low and medium intensity (of sport in general and of the discipline practiced in particular, with predominance of general work, in the specificity of the discipline: passing fences  and  low-level  obstacles,  reducing  the  distances  between  fences,  with  few  technical requirements).

         Work of different capacities with general means.

         The use of varied games for different purposes (elevation of the pulse, work of abilities and capacities, for recovery).

         The use of auxiliary sports such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, swimming, cycling, among others).

         Varied activities such as aerobic exercises, sarabandas, dance therapies and other activities of Physical Culture.

         Physiotherapy sessions for the athlete who showed alterations in one of the indicators of the medical-biological variable (injuries).

         Strengthen psychological work in athletes who presented alterations in several of the indicators of the psychological variable.

In a second workshop, the activities to be used and how to specify them in the individualization of the  detraining  of  the  young  athletes  studied  were  defined.  The  common  activities  for  all  were selected taking into account that the discipline practiced is the same, the level reached and the years of sporting experience are similar. Individual activities will be carried out according to the changes presented in the characterized indicators.

Specific activities 

Athlete one:  the work frequency will be of three sessions a week, the duration of the sessions between 50 to 60 minutes. You can incorporate psychological attention within the sessions to attend to  the affected indicators such as: depression, frustration, raise the level  of aspirations and self- esteem in order to raise awareness of the need and importance of detraining as a new aspiration in life. Ensuring recovery in the session and between work sessions should be greater with pulsations between 110 - 120 p / min. Considering the affectations in the indicator assimilation of loads, the work percentages up to 60%.

Athlete two: the frequency of work will be of three sessions a week, the duration of the sessions between  60  to  70 minutes. Psychological  attention  within  the  sessions  to  attend  to  the  affected indicators such as: depression, frustration, raise the level of aspirations and self-esteem in order to raise awareness of the  need and importance of detraining as a new aspiration in  life should  be incorporated. Ensuring recovery in the session and between work sessions should be greater with pulsations  between  110  -  120  p  /  min,  taking  into  account  the  affectations  in  the  indicator assimilation of loads, the work percentages should be up to 65%.

Athlete three: the frequency of work will be twice a week, in this case the third frequency will be dedicated to physiotherapy sessions, take care of the injury presented, until it is solved the athlete should not incorporate general launches to maintain the levels of strength, in this session you should give treatment from the psychological point of view to the changes presented in the aspiration, self- esteem and frustration indicators. The duration of the sessions must be between 45 to 50 minutes, ensuring recovery in the session and between work sessions, which should be longer, taking into account the effects on the assimilation of loads indicators.

As can be seen from the information provided by the characterization of the sports retirement of these athletes, it was reported that the pedagogical variable with its indicators were the ones that most affected the sports retire of these young athletes who left the provincial EIDE of Villa Clara, which in turn, they served as a starting point to prepare the activities for the individualization of their training, which allows reaching the following conclusions.


In the characterization of the sports retirement of the young athletes of the EIDE athletics of Villa Clara that are studied, it is corroborated that the indicators of the pedagogical variable were those that  influenced  their  sports  retirement,  highlighting  the  non-assimilation  of  the  loads,  frequent exhaustion in the training sessions, the decrease in the results in the pedagogical tests and in the competitions, did not fulfill the minimum required marks, among other elements, which confirm that the  alterations  of  the  indicators  of  the  pedagogical  variable  was  the  main  cause  of  the  sports retirement.

The activities designed with the active participation of the trainer of the studied athletes take care of the information provided by the characterization of the sports retirement, common and individual activities are elaborated to concretely specify the sports detraining of these athletes.


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